Well I was excited to write my first blog, but just my luck, the first thing to write about was something negative.
Anyway, everyone knows the GMs. They have awesome powers to level up easier and ban players as they see fit. Although they aren’t seen too often, they are very active and are doing a lot that we don’t even know about.
Now, everywhere I go, I see noobs saying “Wizet if you read this make me a GM I’ll make a difference.” I even saw a noob that was nooby enough to run around spamming “Every1 vote for me to be GM.”
What the left parenthesis?
And so I, Rew, have come to clear some thing up after a bit of research (Well not really). Anyway, I personally know a GM, (Ex-GM now because he forgot his PIN, haha). He’s my friend, and so I often ask him a lot of questions about MapleStory.
Yes that’s right, I have the TRUTH about how to become a GM. So all you noobs, listen to this.
Out of caps, its true, now matter what you say, you cannot become a GM. Now, you’re all going to go and make up lies or repeat lies about how you can become a GM, well, they’re just lies.
So I asked my friend, “How did you become a GM?” And he answered, that there are a few conditions to becoming a GM (REMEMBER, you still can’t become a GM, this is how GM USED to be made.)
– You HAVE to have played in the beta version of MapleStory.
– You have to play fair and whatever (The GMs can see what you’re doing, but they aren’t always watching.)
– You should be high levelled (You can be pro, but if you can hunt efficiently, then you won’t set much of a role model)
– You should have knowledge of the game and mechanics of how it works.
Even IF you ARE all of the above, well it won’t matter because not only have they already finished selecting GMs, only about 30 GMs were selected.
So you now have pretty much NO HOPE of becoming a GM. Unless Wizet decides to select a few more, the chances of becoming one is comparable to winning the lottery (Well, maybe not THAT unlikely, but don’t even bet 1 meso on it).
I regret being the bearer of this bad news, but SOMEBODY has to say this to shut up those noobs who believe you can get voted in.
Cool. Only 30? No wonder they get so many complaints
It’s like understaffing a helpline: you just get lots of unhappy people.
Kinda sad though, surely there are a lot of qualified people out there to be employed as GMs.
wow, i never new that there were only 30 GM’s
o well, -_-” *sigh*
Er. . . what happens if a few of the GMs quit? e.g. your friend. Can we be GMs if they do?
LOL jkjk
Lol. Not really. I’m gonna go to South Korea soon. I’m gonna ask them about the GM things. Since I no where the Wizet company is, i can ask about the Gms >.>
I’m not sure about what happens if they run low on GMs. Logically, they go get more, but I highly doubt it would be any of the new players. It will probably be some of the old players that played Beta.
Well, my friend is a GM too in Bootes. GMHangman. Those MSEA players who remembered he was the one who organized the GM Event Hangman.
what is the beta version of ms
Hey how can vwe believe you about ur GM “friend”? what if your writing this cause ur annoyed of the noobs yelling it?
The beta version of MS was when it was first created. It was to test out how the players liked it, and they fixed bugs and changed the game for optimum quality.
I’m not saying you HAVE to believe me, you can go on living in your fantasy delusion and hope to become a GM. But don’t be pissed when your dreams come crashing down. And the noobs ARE one of the reasons I wrote this, because SOMEBODY had to set things straight.
Can’t people at least have dreams? Thanks for crushing our hopes to become a GM with your solid, lawyer like evidence.
Oh yeah, btw, I HATE LAWYERS.
Lol! I read this and had a flashback to when Survivor came out and everybody thought they could be voted “in” as the final survivor XD
Very good points, and I know lots of people are wanting to be GM’s (qualified or not!) but really it is a little unrealistic if you’ve only been around for 2-3 months, even though they say stuff like “I’d be a way better GM than (fill in any name here) because I would (list improbible things like finding every single hacker, or blessing everyone all the time with +100 everything)”.
[Edit] Quoty thing didn’t work the way I wanted it too, lol
Obviously you are one of these ‘liars.’ To be a GM, it takes someone who is a COMPUTER EXPERT. People get PAID for being a GM. They are the ones who work on patches and they aren’t random people like you’re friend. I have e-mailed Wizet personally and received a response (I send 500 e-mails to them, this is the only one they respond to). GM’s dont HAVE pins or id’s or passwords. They aren’t all from Beta version, in fact, most of the GM’s haven’t played Maplestory on a regular account! Except for GM events, Gm’s have no real fun time to play Maplestory.
All the so-called requirements to become a GM that you stated are all fake, except knowing the mechanics of the game. Even if GM’s lost their non-existant PIN, they can easily contact the mapleglobal/Wizet staff and request it back. The reason why they don’t have pins are because someone can guess them easily. How do you think Tiger got banned? Either the rumors that he was sharing accounts is true, or he really got hacked as many people say. People can guess you’re id and password, and believe it or not, it WORKS EVENTUALLY.
And how would you know for sure that there have been 30 selected GM’s? Wizet won’t give that information away, trust me. GM’s are not adolescents, they have COMPLETED COLLEGE. They have the experience to work at a computer company. More GM’s WILL be seleced, because new worlds are coming (i.e. Scania, Windia, Mardia, Croa, Khaini, Broa, Bera). No regular player will actually become a GM even if open slots are there (unless a certain Mapler happens to be a computer expert).
I don’t know WHAT convinced you to make up this @%$^, but I certainly hope you don’t post it again in the future.
Clearly you haven’t played MapleStory for very long. Have you ever heard of the Ellinia Massacre? I admit, I’m not too sure about that, but I’ve heard a lot of people who were there talk about it.
Also, about the “30 GMs” it was only an estimate, but it’s just saying there weren’t very many, they can’t just give everyone these powers.
And when you said that they’re not adolescents, who said they were? You were the first person to say that. o.O
I have NO IDEA what you’re high on, but you seem to be very delusional. Yes, I agree to a lot of things that you’ve said about being smart and computer knowledge, but you have almost nothing to base any of these accusations of me being a “liar.” Can you even think of a reason why I would make up all this? No. There would be no point and it would be a waste of my time.
As I’ve stated before, you don’t have to believe me, but frankly, I don’t care. I’ve posted this because I have reason to, and I actually have information to base these things on.
Please, just GROW UP.
All the so-called requirements to become a GM that you stated are all fake, except knowing the mechanics of the game. Even if GM’s lost their non-existant PIN, they can easily contact the mapleglobal/Wizet staff and request it back. The reason why they don’t have pins are because someone can guess them easily. How do you think Tiger got banned? Either the rumors that he was sharing accounts is true, or he really got hacked as many people say. People can guess you’re id and password, and believe it or not, it WORKS EVENTUALLY.
And how would you know for sure that there have been 30 selected GM’s? Wizet won’t give that information away, trust me. GM’s are not adolescents, they have COMPLETED COLLEGE. They have the experience to work at a computer company. More GM’s WILL be seleced, because new worlds are coming (i.e. Scania, Windia, Mardia, Croa, Khaini, Broa, Bera). No regular player will actually become a GM even if open slots are there (unless a certain Mapler happens to be a computer expert).
I don’t know WHAT convinced you to make up this @%$^, but I certainly hope you don’t post it again in the future.”
Hey, Rew’s right! He’s not a liar, and you have no proof or right to call him one. Obviously your one of these “N00bs” who ask to be a GM. We didn’t need your time to write how Rew was “Lying” So you can take that @%$^ and post somewhere it belongs like your own Blogs. your probably lying yourself and I can say this because I can. Your only flaming because you know Rew’s right and your always want to be the one who’s right. I know this is totally off topic but seriously just GROW UP
i hav all of the requirements!
except maybe the high lvl the -.-;;
i quit the game too many times >_<
grrrrrrrr, if i was a gm i would ban all those hackers!
i rlly ant to do my nx cash but im afraid hackers will steal ym money!
Nice bumpitty. It’s all the way from July. Shortly after I joined, in mid-June. I remember seeing this blog.