My First Bandit, z0mg awz.

First picture: He, he thought he had the worst hair on the boat.
Oh, ohhhhhh, how foolish. =D

Second picture: Wow, witty.

Third: Bandit, baby.

Yapping ahoy, well, I had a glorious PQing session from 28 to 30, only had a few difficulties, this chick, despite me TELLING her to not drop the pass when I wasn’t there, did it anyway, refused to apologize, kicked her ass, and got in despite her best efforts to get her own party out of revenge(for her screw up? The hell?) for my booting her.

Lots of great PQing, I felt bad, for the first time I kicked someone to get someone else in, not because I cared of course, but I felt this person would leave my party out of spite if I didn’t. Poor level 22 sin, he had no idea why I kicked him, the confusion was sad, man. =

Got to 30, PQing is over, used 7 100%s on my shiny new Reef Claw, yummy, did a couple quests, all of it a snap, I was surprised how easy becoming a Bandit is, then again, their accuracy isn’t eternally ****ed like Warrior accuracy, I remember becoming a Page was horrific, couldn’t hit ANYTHING in that place, had to struggle for a half an hour and something to complete it, that crap has been screwed since Beta, guess it won’t ever change.

Hoping to get to 33 this week, do that one quest, make a few mirrion mesho, big money.

7 thoughts on “My First Bandit, z0mg awz.”

  1. That last paragraph is one whole run-on sentence. o.o

    Lmao at the 22 sin thing~


  2. i wouldve laughed if someone said something so stupid and lame
    if he wasnt gonna have a good comeback he shouldve shutup
    makes him look stupid
    and gratz on being a bandit

  3. Yep, Cheeze, I don’t strive be a grammar nazi, and I don’t much care if you do. =D

    Longest I’ve gone in months I think Silver, yes, dee, yes.

  4. Nope, Couldn’t hit crap, and I did double my level Dex until 40, now if you’re funded and using Accuracy equipment, I’m just Sure it’s easy.

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