Mmm, Rock & Rye baby

Well, let’s see, I’ve been helping my friend do all the Ludi quests, and I’m selling those wonderfully pricey scrolls on Basilmarket for him, since he’s on only once every couple of days, he couldn’t do the missing mechanical parts quest.

This picture is of he and I, him having told me to Not get him Arwen’s Shoe. =D (Got it anyhow)

Next picture is these two guys fawning all over each other at the possibility of future trades, and buddying each other, lots of tys and F2s, couldn’t resist. XD I wish I’d expanded, the back and forth was hilarious, one acting like he didn’t care, then the other pursuing him, then lots of F2s, it was a little Soap Opera.

Next picture, I can’t help it, I’m just a smartass.

This picture, just dropped, 49 attack, not bad eh?

Last picture, obscure quote, XD ahhh, I love those.

*Edit* Oh yeah, I wanted to yap about how you change various potions while you level, I remember just recently I decided to switch over to Mana Elixir, as well as Unagi for big healing, and Hot dogs for brief healing, I always thought people switched to expensive food way too early, I mean I used meats until my thirties. I never saw the point of wasting health/mana and thus money, but then again, I was poor, so I had a different viewpoint.

What else, oh, I have my keys set wildly different from other people I guess, I have pick up as my shift key, Slash Blast and Power Strike are End and Page Down, Unagi/Hot Dog/Mana Elixir are Insert/Home/Page Up, and I use only the right side of the keyboard, I guess most people stuck with the one hand on right one hand on left, not me, I also think that’s a big part of why I’m such a good jumper, a more focused movement scheme.

9 thoughts on “Mmm, Rock & Rye baby”

  1. That quote in the 5th picture sounds very familiar, but I can’t remember what it’s from. Help a brother out. D:


  2. MasterCheeze said: “That quote in the 5th picture sounds very familiar, but I can’t remember what it’s from. Help a brother out. D:


    Same. I want to say Interview With A Vampire, but that’s prolly not it. Also I like the mega in the 4th pic: “JESUS CHRIST IT’S A LION. GET IN THE CAR!” lmao.

  3. The last picture was very very random.

    Random = stupidity
    stupidity = freedom

  4. So true Evil, so true.

    The quote? You want to know where the quote is from do you? O RLY?

    Well then, let me [url=Refresh your brain cache][/url]

  5. THe. . . Catalyst. . . hair . . .


    *cough* excuse me.


  6. Yep, I’m sure you do Reves, it being the best hair around, using it in a ritual sacrifice to a God is befitting. =D

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