Well I’m back, at least until Quake Wars gets patched(Bunny hopping sucks), and I’m almost level 62 after doing those HORRIFIC NLC quests.
What a crappily put together continent, just, absolutely shoddy, nothing even has their own drops, the only GOOD thing is the Gryphon, which I might train on, they have a pretty awesome EXP to HP/WD ratio.
Oh, and the Gryphon map? Highlands? Designed specifically for Sins, there are points that can’t be reached without Haste.
I’m back baby.
Welcome back for that lil’ while, even.
! Como etas i
I agree. What kind of monster doesn’t even have its own ETC drop? You could do, I dunno, “Gryphon Feather” or something (even though that IS lame).
But mages have teleport, so err, some spots aren’t just Haste-limited~