Okay, this is my first (and hopefully last) rant. Here is a list of things in MapleStory that have happened to me and tick me off, or that tick me off (dunno how that works O_o).
Okay, for all you lvl 18 wizard-wannabes out there:
I AM NOT, I repeat, I AM NOT YOUR MP SUPPLIER! Stop bloody trading me, asking for MP pots. Do you think we’re all gonna dish out 1000 pathetic little MP pots to you? NO!! *please refer to picture one* As said in picture one, DOES IT LOOK LIKE I HAVE “ME NPC GIV U MP POTS PL0X” STICKY-TAPED AND BANDAGED ALL OVER MY FACE!?!??!?! Why must you all constantly bicker me with you pathetic pleas for MP. Don’t forget that I have a fusion mace in my inventory, and i’m really not afraid to use it on idiots like you.
Another example is that you think my name sounds funny. WELL TOUGH TITTIES! I DON’T SAY YOU STINK LIKE A NOOB, so you have NO BLOODY RIGHT TO SAY MY NAME SOUNDS FUNNY! (I got defamed once, because someone said my name was stupid). A note on defaming, you noobs have made me hate vic. I can’t go afk anywhere, because someone will either a) defame me because i’m above lvl 50, or b) summon monsters on me and try to kill me because i’m lvl 50. Where do you think you guys get off?
One last thing, don’t think that you’re so almighty. GET A PRICE CHECK, AND REALITY CHECK ON WHETHER MY MYSTIC SHIELD IS REALLY WORTH YOUR AXE! *refer to picture 2*. I have a question for all you nubcakes. Can you count to 5… wait, that’s too advanced… can you cout to 3 without using a calculator? DO THE MATH!
A very peeved offamon
that wasn’t very nice -.-” *Referring to 1st pic* Normally I would have said: “i don’t have any pots suitable for u. Sorry.” and cancel trade,
I got a Posting Restriction
The first was mean. Unless that person repeatedly traded you. . .
I don’t get it, whats so weird about your name?
You make me laugh.
2nd pic was funny.
You sure know how to handle noobs.
I agree with your Mp pot rant. I hate when people ask me for Mp pots. That is probably the only thing worse then begging for money or experience. But at least noobs are stupid enough to think that only Mages use Mp.
I gave some BEFORE this midgit noob scammed me out of 5 mp pots
he ssaid fame for mp i was like sweet !
here you go!
-leaves Fm-
[Insert Moto Here]
i like the first part of the first pic
*fades away*
Nobody At Night
I agree with #1, but in #2, that guy was probably being an idiot on purpose.
You can use a fusion mace doesn’t that require 25 str 0.o
Heh, I hate those people, too. The way they constantly beg for stuff. For me, though, they’re usually nice about it(just a few mesos here and there) so I’m usually generous.
How on earth did you get away with using the b-word on this game!(btw, I’m missing my question mark key)
“Your axe is really too good.”(reference to 2nd pic) Heh, nice one.
See, that is the reason the game allows blocking of trade requests. To lessen the multiplayer-ness that idiots insist on bringing into the game. Mhmm.
On a side note, an uppercase I looks just like a lowercase L.
I understand how this makes you angry, but you could be a little nicer. I mean most of these people are kids who don’t know any better. That’s just my opinion though, to each his own.
Another thing, I don’t like people who summon period. Those monsters are in other worlds for a reason; low levels can’t kill them. Maybe they defame you because they figure you’re one of those who ks them and summon. Maybe they’re getting pissed off too? That’s still no reason to just judge someone without knowing them. Hahah, I over think things sometimes <.<;;, Anyway funny screenshots. ~Faith
Oh god. I laughed so hard at those screenies, I fell over my chair, did a summersault, fell over my bed and died.
Oh jeezus.
Noobs these days.
Lolz, I want a mystic shield for my axe too D: