Ok, here’s the new quiz, somewhat a sequal to my old blog “I am. Are you?”. With the help of my good pal Wizardzo of Broa, we added more questions to the quiz, so it is now more accurate. Post your results
Have fun !
UPDATE : Almost 2200 people have taken this quiz !
i did the post and it didn’t submit *takes some popcorn and walks away*
Did you click submit ? Try it again regardless o_o
My Result:
Simply put. You love your Maple. You enjoy the people and surrondings, and the good aptmosphere [Or however you spell it >_<] Your buddy list is most likely to the hilt, because you looooove pals, and need them for support.
Im Not Addicted <333 ^^
I Rawk ^^
ok. FINE. i dont rock =( -grabs and runs away with popcorn-
I got, You are a solid mapler
Good quiz, i liked it!
Newbie. You haven’t played long. In my opinion, try to be nice to all around you, and you may make some rich pals. But please. PLEASE. Do not beg ! I am begging you, not to beg. xD
im not interested in rich pals!=(