Everyone in MapleSEA is hunting for them. The ever elusive snowboards, once again released into the MapleSEA world. However, there’s a difference this time; with the first ever appearance of the Super Snowboard, arguably this best of all snowboards.
Stats are as follows: 85 atk, 85 matk, 20 speed, lvl limit 70.
This makes the Super Snowboard not only a luxury item of prestige and power, it also makes it battle capable for spearman and magician classes. Of course, there’s always a catch. The Super Snowboard cannot be hunted from monsters, it must be made from other snowboards. To be more specific, one of each kind of snowboard available must be sacrificed to the Maple Adminstrator to create the Super Snowboard. So that’s 1 sky, 1 aqua, 1 silver, 1 gold, 1 dark and 1 blood snowboard gone.
Considering that snowboards of the higher end tend to drop from tough monsters like Master Death Teddy, it isn’t going to be easy hunting them. Especially since people are flocking to previously remote training spots like Dead Mines in droves, resulting in extremely high competition in places with poor spawn. For example, I was ksed by a priest at Mecateons, and a crusader at Minor Coolies. Definitely not the best of experiences.
But I did get 3 snowboards while getting ksed, so I suppose I came out ahead after all. In the end, I finally got my very own Super Snowboard made.
Now back to leveling up my character so I can use that cool weapon.
. . . rather keep the blood snowboard. XD
But the speed of the super snowboard is tempting.
Speed is like crack for me.
congratz ^.^
you only have 2 more lvls :O
so the 85ma would only be benificial to clerics then?
because theres not much magic you can cast with a 2h weapon
at least to my knowledge
I think that it is just easier, faster, and cheaper to just buy your own. 3 M in MSEA may be a lot, but the price of SSB is dropping every day.
becasue they are smart enough to cause inflation by hacking and merchanting
Lol, nice.
Oh man, your words, it’s good for spearman or something make me one to own it. Apart from the fact I can’t afford. . .