Random Blog (3)

While waiting for the patch to be done, I decided to spend my time writing yet another pointless blog.

A quick check of the Delphinus World Rankings reveals that the top player has hit lvl 102. Considering that Delphinus is only around for about 2 weeks or so, this is rather surprising. Of course, it isn’t impossible. Delphinus has 2x exp slots for the whole of December, and buying a 2x exp card will increase exp gain to 4x the usual. If you are rich enough, you could also play Maple Story at PCBunk for 2.50$ an hour, getting the maximum boost of 4.8x exp. Admittedly, you must be either seriously loaded or totally lacking in life to go to such lengths for such high rankings, but meh. Its their choice and I have no say in it whatsoever.

But of course, I suspect that 80% of the top 100 Delphinus maplers are hackers.

Christmas is just around the corner. Of course, this means giving presents to all my friends. For that purpose, I went out to buy a couple of prepaid cards a while ago. For some strange reason, I’d rather give away cash items than mesos. Its probably because the mesos are hard earned while the cash is given as pocket money. Which is why I dread the day I have to go out and look for work instead of lazing around at home.

I wish it would snow in Singapore. The weather here never changes. Its hot here every single day, except for the days it rains. Even then, its still quite warm.

No pictures today, cause I hadn’t have the chance to play Maple Story today. Maybe I’d post some later.

Well, I’d have to endure just 1 more hour, then the patch will be done. Hopefully. The Asiasoft staff seems to derive enjoyment from causing intense agony in maplers by dragging out the client update.

~Coffee for lief~

7 thoughts on “Random Blog (3)”

  1. 4.8x exp . . .
    me. . .WANTS =(
    slimes will be 48 exp then! thats. . .like almost one evil eye!
    cool. . . singapore fun meh?
    went there once, and now you make me wanna be your friend =( (for the prepaid cards xD)
    do you play mSEA or gMS. . .or cMS. . .or tMS or . . .yea =D

    -giggles in corner-

  2. No its NOT hackers
    I’m very sure of that
    Just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean others can
    I mean, how many people have hacked in mSEA so far? Hardly any. Even GMs like GMahangman went to delphinus, so the gms there are not inexperienced.
    You suddenly just expect 100 people to start hacking?

    The same thing when cassiopiea was released. The gms banned the top 10 because they trained too fast, although no hacking evidences were gathered whatsoever.

    Also, how the hell can people hack in PCBunk?

  3. Singapore isn’t very fun. Which may explain for the massive numbers of Singaporeans spamming MapleStory like drug addicts do drugs.

    Well, I am sure that some people hack in Delphinus. In fact, I managed to take an ss of one in one of my previous blogs. Of course, the 80% referrence is pure exaggeration, but there should be a couple of hackers in the top 100 positions.

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