I thought I should share some of my past experiences doing Party Quests here. This is NOT a guide.
Kerning Party Quest (lvl 21~30)
For starters, nobody below lvl 23 should attempt it. Yes, I know mages are strong enough at lvl 21, but your accuracy is still too low such that there will be an occasional miss on ligators. At lvl 21, mages would not have magic guard either, so dying is quite possible. All other classes will be suffering from low/ unstable damages too, so its still quite risky.
Fairly easy to kill. All monsters in Kerning Party Quest have kb values of 1 except Jr Necki and King Slime. Warriors may experience some trouble due to fluctuating damages and low accuracy. They shouldn’t even be doing this quest until their levels are around 27~28. The monsters here have boosted health and damage, so remember to bring some pots (I’d recommend 100 oranges and 100 blues) along unless you have a death wish. Experience from monsters is also boosted, so you may wanna hang around a little while more at the ligators’ stage to do some training.
Numbered Box Puzzles
Pft. Easy to solve. Its practically free experience.
Its like a weakened mushmom. All mages from lvl 25 and up can solo this cute little thing. Beware of its only magic attack though. Mages easily die to it (hence the need for magic guard). Warriors shouldn’t attempt to fight this boss cause they tend to miss all the time.
Overall: Good for experience. Takes up very little time (it can be done in as little as 5 mins). Good rewards. Everyone should do this quest a couple of times (although warriors may wanna skip it altogether).
Ludibrium Party Quest (lvl 35~50)
Unless you are a cleric, do not even go to Eos Tower 101 when your lvl is in the 30s. Nobody would want you. Best lvls for Ludibrium Party Quest are from 40~45. Any higher, the experience gain would be minimal and slow. Best parties would have a mix of all classes. Note: A wizard makes things much more convenient, while an assasin/ bandit with dark sight is necessary.
Fairly easy to kill. Boosted health, attack and experience, yada yada yada. Do realise that the King Block Gollems in stage 5 do 8000+ dmg. This is where rogues and their dark sight come into play. Do NOT attempt to fight the King Block Gollems unless you A) have a death wish or B) is a hp warrior.
Numbered Box Puzzle
Only 1 here in Ludibrium Party Quest, but this one takes the cake. There are 9 boxs in total. To arrange 5 people onto 9 slots, you get 9C5 possibilities, which comes out to be 126 possibilities. Joy. This stage is the one that can take up to half an hour to complete.
Unlike the Kerning PQ boss, this one is no pushover. Very little people actually manage to solo it all by themselves. Alishar has contact dmg of bout 550, while its magic dmg is about 600. What makes Alishar’s magic attack so fearsome is that it is, unlike King Slime’s body slam thingy, unavoidable as long as you are within range. If you are a wizard, no magic guard = die. Furthermore, Alishar can, and will, inflict statuses seal and darkness. Seal = die for magicians, while darkness = die for everyone else. You best have some all cures with you. Alishar can also summon monsters, but unlike the cute little harmless slimes that King Slime summons, these monsters are fugly and strong. Note that platoon and master chronos have magic attacks. Kill them fast, or they will make life very unhappy for you.
Overall: Not so good for experience. Takes up quite a bit of time (curse you, stupid box puzzle!). Not recommended to be done for leveling purposes. Rewards are quite good, but may not make up for the amount of time taken (I mean, missing a Kerning PQ means waiting for bout 10 mins, while missing a Ludi PQ means waiting for more than 40 mins). Still, red hearted earrings and napoleons are quite common in the reward stage, and they are lvl 50 equips. I suggest you PQ until you get these stuffs, then devote your time to other less time wasting activities (like training).
I agree about the part wherer warriors keep on missing the King Slime.
I have a few things to add. One, Alishar’s touch damage isn’t 250, more like 550 o.O and if you are a cleric, with a lama staff, and maxed invincible, there is no need for magic guard. Theoretically. I don’t have a cleric with maxed invinc.
Also, if you are on a less crowded server, a popular thing to do is “farming” the Ludi PQ. You’d do all the stages from 1 to 8 (sometimes 1 to 7, since some consider stage 8 not worth the experience), which adds up to about 30,000 experience total. Then, everyone exits the PQ and repeats. Most level 3x’s do this in Khaini, it is faster than most other forms of experience although it rakes in no profit.
Oh and, not to show off or anything, but I solo’ed Alishar at level 39 o.O
good summary but alishar hits around 500+ touch dmg
i just recently sol’d him since i was the only person in the party who could hit him and the cleric wouldnt heal me and didnt use magic guard
they wouldnt even kill the master chronos so i was getting blasted from all sides
but it did feel good to know i tooko him down by myself
took a hella long time too
alright dude, you made 2 big mistakes, the kerning PQ is lvl 21 ~ 30 not 20 ~ 30. The other 1 is that alishar does 500 – 800 damage on hit (specially on mages). Oh and another thing is the ludi PQ is 35 ~ 50. You said 30’s
Thanks all for the correction on Alishar’s contact damage.
saphhire8: In my world (Bootes), there are no “less crowded” Eos Tower 101 chnls unless you play from midnight onwards, so farming isn’t possible. It does sound like a fast way of getting exp though.
Waffles: Congrats on your solo! I have never done it myself. In fact, I died once to Alishar (was too confident in my cleric’s heal, so I didn’t pay attention to hp).
deathwalker: Yeah, you are right. Thanks!
Nice ^^ I like it
Well, farming is dying down because of more people. More people = more ACers. See, before, a major advantage of farming was that no one expected you to come out all of a sudden, especially if you weren’t doing stage 8. But now, people just sit there and AC. AC can’t be tricked like that so people have less chance to come out and get back in safely. Much less.
I hate people who AC
cause they are using unfair methods to get into PQ. But it is possible to stop people from ACing by using summoning bags at the crucial time (e.g. at stage 9). Once, I saw someone using a megaphone to beg for pros to kill a balrog summoned in Eos Tower 101 at chnl 1 
One tip:
If you do not know what you are doing, dont’ do it
Crazy nubs.
Also, you might want to put that jMS Stage eight for Ludi PQ is sometimes used. . .
in gMS server Bellocan, you basically have to know jMS to get into any party
The jMS way is too confusing for me XD. Luckily MapleSEA hasn’t adopted it when I was still pqing.
The jMS way rocks, but no one ever listens to me when I suggest it. I get called a noob.
Lol, no one in Khaini uses jMS. I’ve just never seen it done. But some do it backwards. I think backwards has its benefits.
Unless you are a cleric, do not even go to Eos Tower 101 when your lvl is in the 30s.
in scania its w/e you prefer but box order jumping is what i see the most
and what i use
jms way is annoying and confusing
WHat is this JMS way people speak of?
I’m so noobie. xD