Fly fo` fun =D

Today I decided to play FlyFF again since I got bored of MS D=

I logged onto my vagrant which was level 15. I was too lazy to take the job advancement last time so I did that. Took me just over an hour because I couldn’t find the monster you were supposed to kill at the end. o-0

Well, now I remember why I neglected it so much.

I’m not very good at blogging XD

Uhm, I think that’s it.

Yeah I’m done.

Bye everyone o-0

Oh, I have a question D=

Is a yoyo acrobat better or bow?

Can anyone help me on how to raise the skills and the points? T_____T


-tackles AzN-

7 thoughts on “Fly fo` fun =D”

  1. Hey dood, im BJ and i can learn you a few thingys, , so, if you got money (aka gpots) you should max Junk arrow and do almost full INT (a liiiiiiiiittle bit STA) and then when you are lvl 60 you should buy 2 Liguanas and a Restat. Use the Restat first and then use the 1st liguana to buy a G Bow +9-10, and then use the 2nd to trade for Cruiser set +5 and Tuxedo Set, , and if you dont have gpots (>) just do full DEX and be plvled all the way there, so good luck

  2. xXAcroGuyXx said: “Hey dood, im BJ and i can learn you a few thingys, , so, if you got money (aka gpots) you should max Junk arrow and do almost full INT (a liiiiiiiiittle bit STA) and then when you are lvl 60 you should buy 2 Liguanas and a Restat. Use the Restat first and then use the 1st liguana to buy a G Bow +9-10, and then use the 2nd to trade for Cruiser set +5 and Tuxedo Set, , and if you dont have gpots (>) just do full DEX and be plvled all the way there, so good luck

    Waiiit, what?

  3. Lolhax. IMO bow is much better. I have a level 21 one with max Junk Arrow. The almost gaurenteed hits are nice, but I would only recommend it if you have millions to spend on mp potions, believe me you’ll need them.

  4. I have a level 45 bow acrobat. I quit FlyFF, so I don’t remember the pros and cons. Sorry. x-X

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