BAM! oh dear.

That’s the last sound I heard before I blacked out after being hit my a rock.

I didn’t really black out. I just kinda felt dazed for a bit. And acctually, it was more like THUNK


Some kid in my class: “What’s the past tense of think?”
Some other kid: “thinked.”
Some other OTHER kid: “NO, IT’S THUNK”

Darn, I’m getting off track. That wasn’t what I was planning on writing about, but. . .

-scratches head- I don’t remember. . ;~~~~;


I tried that one game, with the stick dudes and you kill people? You know it. . .

You: Stick Arena?


I hammered a few people (THE SFX ARE SO FUNNYY =D ehehe..) but I kept getting disconnected.

After getting owned badly too many times, I quit XD and decided to go on MapleStory instead. Nothing exciting really happened, so I’m gonna stop here before I say something stupid (:

OFF TO DO HOMEWORK~ Laters everybody ^________^


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