Cussing Glitch

Cussing glitch

Since the Guild BBS has been released, I’ve notice many people cussing without any problems.

One day in Henesys, I saw a person cussing (words not censored). I immediately shouted “Hacker!” and like an idiot, I stupidly reported him.
He reacted to that by calling me a “Noob”, and told how he did it.

(Censored so no one would do the same)
<(^^<) (>^^)>

This made it hard to know if someone is really cuss hacking or not. In either ways, you can still report the person for harassment (If they harass you).

15 thoughts on “Cussing Glitch”

  1. Yeah, I heard about it, but don’t know how to do it. I thought I did, but the dude lied to me.

  2. Ever heard of swear hack? One of the most common hacks, although I don’t think its so commonly used.

  3. It’s the Notepad thing, isn’t it? >_>

    . . except I don’t know anything about it other than something to do with Notepad.

    But, ever notice something? Most of the people who spell stuff right don’t cuss, frequently at least. So why do the cussers bother going through all that trouble for spelling the words correctly? o.o

  4. AliyahRoyal said: “Your dog is Shadow too?! RAWR!”

    First is was Fenrir, but because someone else took that name and I thought it offend Fenrir (MMOTaler), therefore i renamed it to Shadow. Now you got that name,

  5. Fenrir said: “That someone else isn’t in MMOTales, is he?

    Happy chinese new year! =D”

    Er he’s watching you right now.

    Yeah! I wish you a better year.

  6. Name it Fenny !



    [Hey! Quangie! :D]

    Swear Hack?

    I actually find that a waste of time .

  7. pirkid said: “Everyone names huskie dogs Shadow, it’s like a stereotype now. XD


    What do you suggest then mr.kid?

    @Annikabelle: (Hehe many people call me Quangie :P)

    And yes. . . Did you say FENNY? That name is almost bad as Bob.

    In the name Shadow, you can hear it’s musically vibrations, and serenely grace. . .

    . . .

    Fine, there is no ._.

  8. Mr. Kid. . .

    I like the name Fenrir better.
    In fact . . .

    *goes to cash shop, buys husy and changsenames to Fenrir*


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