
If you could have any skill from Maple in real life, what would it be?

Note: You can’t use your power to attack people, but you can show off. Who else could make a dragon roar out of nowhere or shoot 4 arrows at once?

This is just for fun.

I say Dark Sight.
I would post but I got banned for saying sh*t accidently.


15 thoughts on “Powers/Skills”

  1. I would either do teleport (what can beat it?) or explosion and disspaear beore your very esyes (behind a bush). I would chose Dark sight if you actually DISSAPEARED and not just turn transparent like in Maple.

  2. I’d like Mystic Door, or what ever it’s called. Without the rock thing.
    If not, Tele FTW!

  3. Mystic door, without the summoning rocks. It wouold be awesome. Just think, getting to lunch before the lines get so friggin long, it reaches all the way into the quad.

  4. summon dragon without the rock thingie. it would be awesome to have that kind of pet dragon XD
    alchemist to make my drinks last longer ^_^
    haste, teleport and/or flash jump. that could be cool.

    im not able to limit myself. i want them all >_>

  5. hmmm should i say tele even if im a cleric o.0, to be as strong as gredel the really really old XD


  6. I think I’d like that I/L wizard attack, I have no idea what it’s called. >_> The really cool one where they attack lots of things with ice/lightning strikes at once.

    *scrabbles at head* Oh, there’s too many I want for me to say them all! <3

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