[h]Futile War[/h]
Maplestory is being breached by hackers all over. The fact that we have guilds and the power to stand together and fight against the hackers, a never ending war that seems futile. Even with the power of GMs, we stand alone in this war against hackers.
MapleStory today, is not the MapleStory of the past. What once started small, is now the most common thing you’ll ever see in MapleStory. Hacking is like a virus, probably more than a virus. Always managing to grow onto other players, and forcing adaptations when the game data is changed, the hackers always adapt to return and continue their reign. Influencing players over a flood of reasons to cheat, offering opportunies so great that it becomes worth the sin.
[h]One Last Stand[/h]
The power of Guilds that consider themselves legit is the final brigade of players that fight against this infection. Everyday, I face people who claim to have clean backgrounds. Unfortunately, not too long after their acceptance, we find that their background has been infected, although they had changed and denied what they had done, it is inevitable that people will know.
MapleStory to me isn’t a game of its original story anymore, but more of a story of how we stand together and fight the wave of hackers that continue to overflow into our servers. Cheaters, scammers, and hackers, all tainted by the opportunity of riches and wealth, they sin against.
We fight everyday against the hackers that invade our maps and fight recklessly whilst we are to flee and hide from the potential ban for fighting the infected monsters. We can’t fight the hackers because we would get banned for fighting the data that’s been modified in an unfair advantage. In doing so, we cannot ruin the hacker’s whilst in risk of a ban. Hackers come and stay, while we run and hide.
We make the foolish of mistakes that get us taken out of the game. Many of my friends had been banned for cursing within the system. The people who still stand legit are being pushed to the ultimate limits of acceptance of this infection, this virus, the hackers. I cannot contemplate what I strive for within the game anymore, for my time in the game is trampled by the hackers.
[h]Teasing to Please[/h]
I play and play, and each passing day, the virus infects other players, creating spawns of hackers that invade and become more reckless and careless. What used to be a careful infection that would hide from the legits, now throw themselves into the faces of the untainted, teasing our minds with possessions and opportunities to cheat the game. Many of us are disgusted, while many become infected themselves.
Although I may not quit this fight, but I what I play now is to represent those who still can fight against this war of hackers. Although lightly infected on my character, I cleansed myself with the power of loss of experience when dying. Turning back what has been done, I still fight against what can illegally make me better. Better morally or better by data, I chose moral. I wish to inspire those infected to restart anew and cleanse themselves. Be the idol that fights against the futile war against hackers.
[h]Although I foresee the fall of MapleStory to hackers, but I will stay and fight to the end.[/h]
[h]I started my story to be a hero, and I will end my story being the hero.[/h]
yea they are. their ruining the market and making my training slower.
I am proud to say that I have never touched a hacking tool in my life.
isnt .hack a series of games, anime and manga? o_o
I too am proud to say that I have never laid my hand on hacking tools of any kind. Temptings are every where now a days. You no longer have to look around the internet, you get it levered right to your screen, many offers telling you that you can reach x level in x days. We are left alone in the shadow of a hackers mob of infected monsters that can’t be toughed by a legits weapon, without getting called a hacker. The minute someone see you hitting an infected mob, you are stamped as a hacker, for the rest of your maple time. Doesn’t matter if you are a legit 100 Hermit, Priest, or Sniper. And this results in gossip on how ”legit” you actually are. Friends can sent as many super megaphones out, telling people the person is legit, and was on the wrong place, at the wrong time, but it will never happen. Hackers now have free hands to put the icing on the cake, with telling people they saw him hack from 70-100, or 1-70.
Yes, hacking is a problem, but I myself am a little tired of hearing it. Ya they’re everywhere, ya they’re annoying, but just accept it for now until someone starts crashing all the servers. There’s a lot of them, but you can still work around them. My brother even hacked, but he no longer plays, mostly because I found where he kept his account information and started deleting characters and his hacking files
. He’s not good with passwords. And Akisumo, there are times when hitting hacked mobs is ok in my opinion, like when all the pigs one map to the right of Henesys are put on the lowest level and have slaughtered low levels. If I see the person doing it, I’ll report and move on, but if they’re just left there, someone’s gatta do something, and I try to suicide the exp away infront of people after. Oh and the swearing thing, it’s exploting a glitch to make the game function as it shouldn’t, even if it’s done within the game. It’s just stupid to do it, really.
Yeah. It was somewhat worse for a period of time; it’s still quite bad, but marginally better.
*Pumps fist*
Truly is, but used under the wrong circumstances I’m sorry to say. . .
The hacking reign is falling already, when Windows makes its final installment, the only choice is to get a Mac, hardly compatible.
It will be over soon.
i hate it when hackers are in PQ. it gets messed up bad, and hackers cause me to lag
I seriously couldn’t hack even if I wanted to because I don’t know where to get them
but I don’t need to know
I don’t really care about seeing other people hack, I just change channels but if I know them or they are my friend that’s just shameful
like other day, friend was at my house and he started looting a hacker(I basically let him play sometimes because I watch TV during that time)
but I came in and saw him looting and I’m like what are you doing?
I said,”Not in my house, MISTER!”
he thought it wasn’t hacking and I said it was cheating still
im always like hacks, 0.0 *screams**faints*
You tried to come out as something, but it all came out as childish sentences,
Try again next time.
point taken sir. . . .