[h]Dream to be the Hero[/h]
This is an inspiration video to many of the players who dream to be high level players. I question why people play MapleStory.
“Find your reasons worth fighting for. Then fight for those reasons.” ~Anonymous
What’s your reason to play?
Lust for Power?
Do you will to fight the exceptional?
Do you do it for the rare events?
Fighting countless, unnumerable monsters?
Or is it to be amongst the elite?
Do you strive to be number one?
Do you do it to fight the impossible?
Or do you do it for your friends?
Or do you do it to collect the rare?
Do you do it just to play?
Is it just a game to enjoy?
Are you attached to something in this game?
Is there something you love?
Or is there someone you love?
I just want to be a hero.
I want to be the person who can inspire people.
Dream to be the hero you want to be.
Because that’s what I did.
I don’t dream to be high levelled.
I play MS for the fun of it.
Wow that was a great video! And I liked the song in it to. What is it?
I play to claim the title of Hero.
~LaZzz. . .
who sings the song? My mom hated MS so I quit it.
I play to. . .
nice video. =D
I only dreamed I got a mohawk.
Which I did
Iono about you but, That video can be a commercial, near the ending.
dang thats a nice vid, whats the song lol and i hope to aspire to be like, yet as a crusader (youve probably heard it like 100 times now huh?)
Wow. This is a great video.
I play for my friends, by the way.
I’m still in awe at how good this video is. Wow. Just wow. Ha. xP
AHA! I found the song =] It’s called Its Too Late To Apologize. That was awesome o_o
-I saw you at NLC
-edit- How come the song title showed up for like 1 second o___o [in the beginning], you made me look! Dx
By the way, isn’t it by Timbaland? o.o
-edit 2- I play to inspire people and my friends.
You know, Jing, I’ve seen a lot of your stuff. You seem like an awesome guy, it’d be cool to talk to you. Too bad you’re not on scania =[.
-Btw, good job with the ladder, again
Nicely made.
I claim the title of
‘Malevolent Dark Warrior’
, lol anyways, nice video killing Zakum.
mutilating Unnumberable Monsers, and crave for power!
Jing you sir are overated my opinion. . .
If you don’t like this opinion i’m sorry. . .
It’s just what I think. . .
I agree with Dragoon on the last part, but the rest was okay.
Do you use your dagger to cut yourself?
I don’t like these kind of questions, they make my brain hurt.
But yes, I do play Maplestory for the companionship of my friends and an escape from real life n_n;