Catch Me Hacking

Over the year, I’ve been playing MapleStory on my character I made with my heart. I’ve played it with my heart. And to have it tainted by a traitor is heart breaking. I’m famous for my comedic thoughts and my movies I’ve made, and yet, I’m being brought down by other people around me.

My 1 year aniversary with PirateJing is coming up on March 9th. I’ve started from 1 to 88 in almost a year. I’ve come so long, but the fact that my reputation is going up, but crooked, it hurts. My brother used a Nightfox, which is totally ugly. I asked him why, and he told me he needed more HP. HP for what? He was freakin’ hacking. I asked him why did he use my mesos? He said he needed to blow it up. I asked him why did he have to hack at Pianus? He said it’d be cool to kill a boss.

When I turned level 71, I became aware of the power of Meso Explosion. I knew that with great power comes great responsibility. It’s the skill that probably makes the population of experienced hackers. My brother being a hacker, he went on my character and hacked at Pianus. Dropping mesos and blowing it up. Wasted my mesos, ruined my reputation, and worst of all, it’s an excuse no one would believe. But hey, it’s one time, it can get by.

As the new Maple Snowboard starts to drop, it’s been the thing everyone wants to have. I found one on my own at Gobis, because hey, that’s where Meso Explosion trainers go, right? I’ve got my board, and my friend doesn’t. I had to go to work, and my friend can’t get one by himself. I let him go on my character for the day to find himself one. He transfer his own money to blow, because I had none at the time. I come home by the end of the day, 20% and a story that made me jump out of my seat.

I’ve been caught hacking at Gobis. Okay, so what? I wasn’t at home, so it couldn’t have been true. Aye, but it was. There’s nothing to follow through straight. Things started making sense. How does an inexperienced ME’er gain 20% by the end of the day? He MUST’VE died by lack of experience. But he got 20%. Maybe he’s good? Maybe he hacked.

A friend passes by and captures elusive screenshots of my character taking misses just standing there surrounded by Gobis. Sends me a load of screenshots. I view them, and I can’t believe it. It just can’t be true. Why? No one will believe me now. The first time, betrayed by my brother. The second time, turned by my friend. My reputation among the Windian community goes down. People disbelieve the two incidents were truth. How do you explain something when it can’t prove it wasn’t you? The story is laid down straight. Everything makes perfect sense, but why doesn’t it follow through to the people?

I’ve worked so hard making my way to 88. It’s something that’s bound to never happen again. And yet, it’s bound to spoil by the mistakes of trust. I trusted family, and I was betrayed by my brother. I trusted a friend, and I was tainted by him. If I can’t trust anyone, what’s the point of making friends? I can consider myself 100% legit still, because I died off the percentages gained by the two. But it still bothers me that the guilt is on me. Why me?

I’ve been told I might not be able to join the Zakum team. I’ve been told I’d be exiled from the Windian community. I’ve been threatened to be posted everywhere about my character hacking. I’ve been threatened to be banned from Maple altogether. What do you do to get the people to believe? It’s the only two incidents ever, and my entire legitness is being put into question. Two incidents that I didn’t even do, and I’m to be hauled off from the fun and bliss that I will to enjoy with my friends.

But hey, if my character is caught hacking again, I’m sure everyone can say goodbye to me. It’s something I don’t want to live down. It’s a title that disgraces me very much. I wanted to be known in Windia for something great, not for something notorious. Martyr for being legit, but blamed as a hacker for the betrayals. I’m being crusified by the upper class Windians and praised by the lower. I’ve made a name for myself, and it’s being tainted and I can’t stand it. Find my character hacking again, I’m quitting and it’s a word from me. I don’t want to play as something so evil and stupid. I just don’t find it worth it if people call me something that I’m not.

I trusted too much, and that’s my fault. I can’t prove anything, and that’s my fault. I just want to be praised, not scolded for something I didn’t do, and yet, that’s my own fault.

I just.. don’t know what to do anymore.
If you find my character hacking again, Let me know. I’ll be quitting.

Edit : Booooooo. I know that I shouldn’t have let out my account info, but I trusted them. I’m pretty sure you’ve done the same somewhere throughout your maple career. My bro hacked somewhere when I just turned level 71 or 72, can’t remember. My friend hacked a month ago or so, can’t recall. I’ve already changed the Pin, but I can’t change the password. My birthday doesn’t match up, which is weird.

15 thoughts on “Catch Me Hacking”

  1. Aye. . .

    Nice blog, however, that’s the problem with account sharing.

    You know, humans cannot resist the urge to do something. . . especially when they do not know the consequences.
    However, you can still gain your reputation back. Prove to them that you do not hack.

    You were one of the rare ones to ever meet a GM personally. I’m guessing that there’s still hope for your reputation.

    Good luck.


    drunkdaddy said: “. . . I know how you feel.

    Dam communists”

    Lol. Communists are. . . lol. . .

  2. Don’t worry Jing, IIIIIIII didn’t know your friends hacked on your character =] Or that your character was hacking~~
    Wait doesn’t that mean I’m oblivious. . . NUUU -cries- TT.TT
    Yes. . don’t give your info to anyone [especially my friends who would probably kill you more times than your percent gained]
    And it would make me sad if you left, even though I only know you through Smegas [>.>] and a lot of other people because you inspire many more people than you realize, and they still believe in you. Just keep playing, it’d be a shame for Windia to lose you =[ It’s like toushirou3 quitting Bera [wait did he already quit? @.@] or some really inspiring character quitting another server. It’d break people’s hearts and most likely shame your server [somehow o.0]
    JuSt DoN’t QuIt =D -roots for ya- You still got that reputation of being banned for 3 days cuz of hw~~ =]

  3. I’ll say it again:

    Never, ever, let anyone else on your account, whether it be a sibling or friend

    trust isn’t not the only factor

    even when your friends have good intention they may do something that you don’t approve of and you’re stuck with it

    that’s how my islander ended up on Victoria

    Change your password and keep it secret

    i don’t know the type of relationship you and your brother have but simply put, if his hacking bothers you (which it should) you have the right to block his account by means of changing the information

    He doesn’t deserve the right to play if he can’t follow the rules

    and you deserve the right to a hacker-free game

  4. Moral: Don’t give anyone any part of your personal information, password or PIN.

    After I told my best friend that I’d be taking a few weeks break between May – June 2006, he went and hacked my account. I tried to log on the next day to check on a rumor, but the PIN was changed.

    Months later, in October 2006, I coerced him to tell me the PIN. He said he didn’t know, and he denied hacking my account. I went to phone his best friend, who also denies hacking my account. After coercing him, he finally told me the real PIN after many fake PINs. My best friend said that the hacker, his best friend got the password and PIN from looking at his paper full of passwords -_-;;

    I still don’t believe them. To this day, my best friend still claims innocence, and I have absolute conviction that he told his best friend, the person who actually did the hacking. He took everything of value that I had: an 8 attack work glove (40 M at that time), a 9 M Maple Impaler (at that time), several scrolls totaling about 15M (at that time), and the equivalent of 40M worth of mesos and items (at that time).

    It was a devastating blow, and the ultimate reason to why I decided to quit MS again. It wasn’t all the scrolling failures; that is actually the reason that I continued MS after being hacked. But I didn’t have what rightfully belonged to me, and that just ticked me off.

    However, on a good note, the hacker, my best friend’s best friend is retarded. He traded my 8 ATK WG for a single set of steely -_-;;
    He sold everything for around 50% of its actual value, and now he already wasted all of those mesos on making a guild with a crappy emblem.

  5. Trust is relative and fragile and should be handled with caution and suspicion.
    Humans with desires, when given the opportunity, often make the wrong choice. Every choice has consequences.
    Your brother and your friend had the desires. You gave them the opportunity. They made the wrong choices. Unfortunately, the consequences made their impact on you instead of them.
    I hope you’ll be able to convince the Windia community and redeem your reputation.

  6. Aww, JingÂ…
    Well, I hope everything goes okay again.
    And like I said via Profil3, if it’s any comfort to you at all, at least we believe you now that the word is out.
    And besides, anyone that truly knew you or are your friends would know that there’s no way that you were hacking.

    Just hold your head up high and PirateJing FTW!

  7. =D. Hopefully ur rep will get back up there and u’ll be proven innocent XD. And cool March 9th is my friends b-day lol.


  8. Uhh . . . Change your password?

    I know how your brother feels. I’ve abused the use of hacks before, but only once though. It was that time when I changed all my guns to all 1337 (including grenades) and killed all the noob Heat Project players. I can literally just stand there in the open not worrying about getting shot in the head or anywhere!

    But the point is, you can change your password and PIN or(eo) you can delete his hacks and then yeah. Problem solved

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