Leveling and possibly being crazy

So, despite the best efforts of two server checks, I managed to get to lvl 75! The check Sunday night stopped me from getting to 74 on time, and the once Tuesday made my leveling to 75 have to get put off until yesterday. But I’ve made it! *yay*
In celebration, last night I went shopping in the FM. Bought a dark requierre (already had a red, but I wanted a dark) and a pair of 59 mdef half earrings. Great, though with my hair you can’t see the earrings anymore. XD I also was able to equip my Dark Ritual after I leveled up.
On Tuesday (I think it was Tuesday), we got to see the Khaini GM’s make an example of a few people. They’ve been doing pretty good with the bannings lately, btw. I reported a hacker when I logged on, and they got banned in bluetext about half an hour later. One on Tuesday was banned for looting from hackers, and at least one more was publicly banned for advertising one of those meso selling websites.
Tuesday after I went shopping, I got bored and went to Ludi to help out two of my guild members kill death teddies. (Level 77 and 80 lice mages. They’re nice guys, and pretty useful with freezing stuff, so I won’t hold it against them. :3) There was also a lvl 75 sniper, but he kept showing off and got killed. >_> So we mages three decided to go suicide, or at least die on something. After getting past the Thanatos (didn’t want to die on them), we ended up killing the two gatekeepers. We continued on and killed the next monsters (vikings, I think), and then… the giant spirit vikings. Because, well, why not? I managed to actually be useful for once (shuddup), because even though my poison mist is only lvl 10 it managed to do pretty good damage. I think 966 each time it acted on the big spirit vikings, once the poisoning kicked in. Fire was also decent against most of these monsters (obviously not the best, but I’m only lvl 75!), so it was nice to not be a third wheel for once.
And then I went and died accidentally on death teddies because my mg ran out when I fell down off the edge for like the 50th time. XD
Happy Mapling!

4 thoughts on “Leveling and possibly being crazy”

  1. w00t w00t w00t! Do a little victory dance. Tonto jump on it jump on it jump on it XD. GratzZz on ze level =D.


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