It’s Crazy Drop Night

….or so it seems, at least. In the two hours after the server check tonight I found three pairs of pants, an archer overall, an evil tale, and 3 blood snowboards. Did the drops on those change? It’s quite odd.
And now, I’m going to bed. Mmm, sleep.

6 thoughts on “It’s Crazy Drop Night”

  1. I didn’t know blood snowboards were available to find in Global? Or is this msea? Dang, I better start training at FOG now.

  2. I’m still banned. I can’t wait to get back on Thursday. That’s when I’m unbanned. Then I’m going to KS like mad until I get a blood.

  3. I think it WAS crazy drop night you know… I got a red pilfer, a shield and an ESTHER!

    Duzzt looted an esther from a hacker that same day!

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