Fire Mage!

I tried posting this when it happened, but something messed up. Hmm. Anyhoo, last week, right around the time of that emergency server check Ginnova finally made it to 3rd job. She did the (horribly easy) physical test right before the check, and the wisdom part afterwards. Grendel’s shadow, was, by the way, ridiculously easy. He only got out of the corner because I let him so I could take a picture. XD I never touched the ‘macis he summoned, and the whole thing took about a minute. I really didn’t anticipate it to be like that.
Ginnova got new hair as a reward for all her hard work. (Red ballroom, from amoria.)
Got explosion, blew some stuff up…

Then, as I always do, I got bored and made a new magician. She’s going to be an experimental cleric… I’ll post the results of that in a few months or whenever they come in. XD

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