HoRriBle oR WhaT?

i was going back to vic from orbis one day. I was eager to level up to 33 when i was 80%. when i went to vic. the whole guild who was logged on was there waiting. it was only 3 people. my brother, a hunter , and the guild leader, a mage. then he said lets go to orbis. i was like what. i was there before. so the leader gave me money and we went. in the 15th floor the hunter died. so we walked back up and the hunter said that he used the orbis scroll to go to the 1st floor. so we went up and my guild leader later got a lvl 65 or 66 spearman. (everyone is our guild was below 35 except for the spearman.) i gave the guild leader a scroll to the 1st floor. i had two. i followed the spearman down because i wanted to use the scroll to go up. (my brother , a mage went back to vic.) then a el nath we did nothing and i want to lvl, and the spearman ran away and everyone was afk. so i went to vic. the guild leader got mad and lowered my ranting.

i got a eagle crow, but npced it. i did the john’s quest lvl 30 and got my lvl 35 glove. then i made my lvl 35 claw. i also got an implarer from my brother from the other blog, because he got another one and i got him in the guild. LOL. i trade a blue thief lvl 40 hat for a red one. A NoOB!



4 thoughts on “HoRriBle oR WhaT?”

  1. i’ve read ur blog, can u read mine?, its called “Screw All Hackers”! Thanks ^_^

  2. Now today the spearman is lvl 72. what. he is crazy or what. he is on all the time. from 65 or 66 to 72.

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