I, Paterack7, hereby proclaim that I am officially quitting MapleStory. Before you leave, please read on with the rest of my blog.
I am leaving because of various reasons, but mainly because I do not get the joy I get out of playing than what I used to before. My friend also disbanded my guild that I tried so hard to keep alive. I spent over 17m because of expansion, the emblem, and prizes for events that I occasionally held.
I would like to give a shout out to some of my friends:rain & Hoyoung, met at 4x
OracleXS & G0d0fH3aling, met at 5x
Gameguy74x12, met at 6x
XxBonodxX, met at 6x
ICHIGOxPinoy & LilDemon43, met at 7x
NezumiKami, met at 6x
NikeAir777, met at 8x
ThELoser, met just a few days ago
All my main guildmates: Sllenzar, Zygadon, HewhomIIs, WindMageGX, Brightangel7, Violinist225, & PeachPies.
And of course… my best friend Kirbykevin7/SavageKirby.
I do retain some great memories. Maci hunting with G0d0fh3aling and OracleXS. Training at Grupins with XxBonodxX. ZPQing with NezumiKami. PQing with rain & Hoyoung. Along with many others.
I also remember some horrible memories. When I got up at 3 in the morning just to play. I’ll just stop right there.
To make sure that I will never come back to playing, I will be dropping ALL my items worth value. That’s right, that includes Tobis, Maple Items, 8x Mage Equips, and some more stuff. This will occur at 11:00 EST/8:00 PST at Ch 7 FM 7 (In Scania BTW). If there’s only 1 person there, good for you.
Some screenies of my Mapling:
Screenie 1 – My Friend and I
Screenie 2 – Becoming a Mage
Screenie 3 – No Mountains Allowed?
Screenie 4 – My Beloved Guild
Screenie 5 – My Last GPQ… After 2 CBs, a Priest, and a DK left.
OH man . I’ll miss you . Even though i duno you .
I never got to stalk you properly
Okay guys items have been dropped and Paterack7 & Ooglyboogly are now officially extinct.
Goodbye. Even though I’ve never met you, I’ll miss you because you were a fellow Scanian. =(
And I remember x Drain. We used to be friends, then he started acting like a tard. . . .
Good luck in your lifey stuffs!
Do whatever you want. But I warn you, do not drop your items. Do not give away your account. Keep everything the same.
I quit Maple Story awhile back. I wanted to make sure I would never come back, so I dropped all my things also; ilbis, maple claws, 7 attack work glove, those expensive magician shields, all of my millions; for I wanted to be damn sure.
But you must realize something. Right now, you are mad for one reason or another. Because there is a different variable besides just deciding to quit, your decision is intoxicated; it is not prudent to do what you are doing!
Anyway, just listen to my story.
So I gave away everything. I dropped everything in the free market. And when it was done, it was done. I just got off, played some halo, and thought I did the correct thing. It was great for awhile. I quit smoking, I started working out, I cleaned my room, I gave up pepsi, I changed my life, I started to try in school again. Basically, I quit the thing that I did that restricted me from doing all of the things above that I mentioned.
HOWEVER, what you must realize is that I could have done all of these thing by just putting down the key board. Of course, it would take some strength, but I could have done it without being so rash.
Anyway, back to the story. So my life was going pretty good. I started to care about my appearance. I started to care about my body. I started to care about my room.
But then a year goes by. A whole long year. And guess what? I thought that since I have made so much progress, it would be fun to play again. Well, I couldn’t because I gave away everything. And I was not going to start over again.
So, just do me a favor if you haven’t already given away everything. Instead of forcing yourself to quit by making it impossible to ever come back, force yourself to quit by just having self control. Have strength. This way, in a year or so if you want to come back, you can.
I hope that that came out correctly.
Aw, hate to hear it.
Hope you get your life back 
Even though i don’t know you, its still pretty sad.
Suks to lose a Mapler, but I left for awhile not too long ago, I mite even quit soon again >.>
Bye! May happy wishes consume you.
We’ll miss you. And AznxKnife said it the best! Good luck in the future and take care of yourself!
You didn’t even say anything on Maplestory!