the wedding gone bad

well it was a normal day for me and my friends. nothing fun to do exept kill little red and blue snails. then one day my friend (which im not going to say his name), told me one of his guild members were getting married. my friend said he`s a rich dude, i think he said he was a lv 89 begginer. so we went to armosa (i forgot how to spell it). so anyway, i saw the bride. she was hot, blonde hair, grey eyes, a pet panda, ETC. she was a lv 25 magician.

and here comes the bad part……… : (

when i met the groom….he said that the marrage is going to be gret and he fell in love with her in maple.
i was like “cool”….so he left just to fight those black kitties….i forgot the names of them.. he left the bride with me and my friend. she said “hey hot stuff…………wanna go somewhere after i marry this geek” holy crap… me and my friend press F6 (which was the freaked out face). minutes later the groom came while the bride was still talking crap about the groom and talking about marrying him just for the mesos…. he was in shock, in real- life…my jaw dropped. its like watching those movies with dramatic conclusions. my friend gave me a scroll to elenia so we can get the hell outta here.

i didnt see what happened next….i was to scared, i guess the groom quit my friend`s guild, and my friend gave me an invatation to his guild….so i guess this was a good ending/bad ending

7 thoughts on “the wedding gone bad”

  1. Ouch. Yeah, never marry people online, that only marries you for your money. Asses. >_< Anyways, I feel bad for the groom. =S

  2. I’m extremely sorry, and I feel somewhat guilty for saying this, but. . .

    I could not read/believe a word of that.

  3. i feel sorry for him, he was ahppy, and that was probably a g.i.r.l. idiot argh

  4. Well, noone would marry me for just the mesos, ‘cuz I’m flat broke. o-o

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