The Evil Grows: Chapter 7

I started to write in my journal, starting from day one.

[Day 1 of 356]
Today, Bains were a pain in the neck, shooting their fireballs and all. I changed into my Chief Bandit form one time, almost getting myself killed. It was a good thing I could jump far or I would’ve landed in a pit of lava. I saw one of them drop a piece of a crystal, it was all glittery and was shaped like a regular Black Crystal, except it was blue like ice. I wondered if it would melt, but it wouldn’t so I kept it. Nothing else really interesting happened today. I’ll probably write in this journal once every few days.

[Day 15 of 356]
Wow, today was the weirdest day ever. I was training at Bains when suddenly, they all turned blue like ice. It was weird. The ice wouldn’t melt. The crystal was also as hard as a hundred Platine Armors stacked up one upon another. I went to the Jr.Cerebus’ and found another one of the crystals except that this time, it was purplish. I wondered what they were, I kept this one as well and went on with the rest of the day. One dropped a Dark Ritual, surprising me. I’m gonna sell it when I get back to El Nath in 341 days. Maybe it’s gonna be worth something.

[Day 50 of 356]
I haven’t been able to write in a while, mostly because of the events that’s been taking place. I moved in deeper and took a peek at Zakum. Lots of people were fighting Zakum, he killed tons of people, but the priests were able to stay alive and were able to use Mystic Door to bring them back. I was surprised, seeing as the DKs were dying the most. I thought they were the most recommended class to fight Zakum with in a party. Then I felt much more than saw the cause. I felt the evil energy that Zakum was releasing which was weird since the energy was overflowing. I became quite amused and continued to watch this battle.

[Day 246 of 356]
I haven’t wrote in a very very long time, but I was able to remember the events and how many days. I had joined the fight on Zakum. The battle went on for months, then it was destroyed and it dropped a Zakum Helmet. I was able to master my transformation during this time. I could be a Chief Bandit while being in complete control. I had complete mastery of daggers and skills. It was a huge addition to my arsenal of White Knight powers. I think I might have to fight Zakum more often, to hone my skills. Also found Red and Black crystals.

[Day 302 of 356]
Haven’t wrote in a long time again. I was able to sense where the evil energy was coming from. I also found out I had the ability to foresee anything happening currently in the world. I saw Panic fighting against the source of the evil energy, a beginner named Bob Anderson. He absorbed some evil energy left behind by an evil creature nearly a year ago, now he is able to control to control other people. Now their armies are fighting. Note to self: Destroy Bob Anderson and Panic Saber, if the war still lasts.

[Day 347 of 356]
Today was exhausting. I powered up more and more at Bains and found tons of equipments such as Red Pirate Set, 3 Dark Emperors, 6 Golden Arunds and 4 Dark Battle Roads. I also found some 2 Handed Sword Scrolls for 60%. I used 7 of them on my Doombringer, the effects were actually doubled, no TRIPLED in strength. I was able to slaughter Bains ten times much faster than before. Well, it’s getting dark, time to sleep.

[Day 355 of 356]
I’m going to start going back to El Nath tomorrow. It’s a friendly reunion. I’m gonna have a blast! I’m so excited to see them all again. It’s dark again, I trained 6 all nighters, making me insanely more powerful. I also bought some scrolls for Dagger 30%s from a passing stranger. Strangely, it all worked, not breaking it once and the power was quadrupled! It’s gonna be fun fighting in the war, as I see that it is still going on.

One year from that last time we met. One day since I wrote my last Journal entry. I went to the El Nath market to sell my findings, which sold out pretty quickly. In the end, I had 7,641,912,782 meso to spare even after I bought two whole packfuls of Power Elixers. I went to the meeting spot. There was everyone. They all had changed significantly since the last time I saw them, even though we had the same armor though except me. I still looked as original as ever. Kogek held a Red Craven, he found a glitch to make it seem like a Kandayo. Same with Nor and his Pinaka/ Impaler. Iggy held a Casters and was the first to speak.

“Hi everyone! I mastered full force of my Zakum Powers! I can release it anytime I want, controlling it! I limit it’s power most of the time so it should be all right”, he said, happily.

“We love glitches, we’re famous for finding a glitch to cover up a weapon with another single weapon to make it look like the cover! It’s awesome! We’re used to looking at our Maple Weapons!” said Kogek.

His hair had grown slightly since a year ago. Nor explained the basics of the glitch. Iggy and I pretended to listen, while punching each other behind our backs. He finally finished after about two hours.

“Well, I trained for almost 24 hours a day. At first it was slightly hard, but it became easier as everyday passed by. I also found different crystals, each holding tremendous power”, I said as I passed out everyone a crystal and continued, “I also mastered my Chief Bandit abilities and trained it that form with Zakum. I also scrolled my weapon and all the scrolls worked!”

“Me too!” everyone exclaimed, except for the twins, they said ‘Us’ instead of ‘Me’.

I wasn’t surprised, seeing as miracles seemed to happen a lot. I sent tendrils of my mana around and saw one spot where the mana couldn’t go through.

The Hermit, I thought.

I changed into my Chief Bandit form, hair turning crimson red and eyes filling up with anger. I picked up a random chunk of snow off the floor and threw it at the Hermit with such force that it knocked him back. He came out of his Dark Sight and was looking at my Dragon’s tail glimmering right in his face.

“Explain yourself or perish. . . . . .”, I said as a warning.

9 thoughts on “The Evil Grows: Chapter 7”

  1. Note: “You can’t let people back to zakum if they’re dead. And Zakum is a evil but sacred tree in my story. He must not die!

    You can bring people back to zakum with one skill; revive. but that skill’s refresh time is 1hr or something >.<

    Anyways, the beginning was really interesting, and the rest was great! Keep writing!

  2. Thanks for the inspiration, I’ll be sure to update about 2 chapters everyday except when I’m lazy.

  3. Oh yeah, and you got some spelling mistakes. Check for spelling mistakes when your done writing.

  4. Hm. . It’s good, but it’s bad to change from one point of view to another. =

  5. That was when he was writing as the WK in the diary. Diaries are usually written in first-person format.

  6. Yay I can glitch! This is so awesome! This makes me want to grind on my assassin now.

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