First off, I haven’t made a blog in far too long.
I was PQing today with a friend of mine, in a not too crowded channel, when a dude jumps down the rope, and drops a scroll. I think to myself that it’s a pet scroll, or something, but he just keeps dropping. So I go over and start picking them up, and they’re actual good scrolls. So he keeps dropping, drawing a crowd, then he starts with the equips. I saw an Icarus cape, (Which I later found out was 3 STR, 4 LUK, lawl.), an avarice, and other various theif/sin equips. I grabbed myself a Silver ID, a wg, a black snoeshoe, (I freaked out when I saw that I got them, but was dissapointed when I found out they were clean, but oh well) and red heart earrings. Then he starts dropping sacks of 10k, which I somehow managed to grab 500k+ from.
As for the scrolls, I got the following:
Wand m.att 60%
Staff m.att 10%
Dagger att 10%
Overall dex 10%
Bow att (2) 10%
Cape STR 10%
Cape w.def 60%
Cape HP (3) 60%
This all happened on Khaini, and about right when I logged on.
I’m so happy because this is probably my luckiest break in all of maple.
(It makes up for the gachapon dissapointments, about 70 dollars of gacha, and nothing worth anything)
So, has anything lucky happened to you in maple?
That’s insanely lucky. XD
But for me, relative to my usual absmal luck with drops, my bit of luck was how I actually managed to get a 10% Cape for INT from Lusters just today. 😀 And I got a Tobi on this Fire Mage I played, from Grupins. ^^
Just for today. *whistles*
You lucky bi-
XD It should, if you’d spoil the site it is guarding with naughty words.
You need a spanking, Fenny. 😀
No I don’t.
I just got one. . .2 nights ago. D:
Forgot to switch off the lights when I went out. 😀
*strangles filter*
I got one . . . 1 year ago ? Muttered a curse word too loud .
You lucky devil . Oh chicken rice ! I wished I was that lucky .
so lucky
i envy u
Well, recently I got a 60% for Cape DEX, a 60% for Spear Attack, and a 60% for 2H Sword Attack scrolls from the Ludi PQ. This would be really awesome, considering I don’t have to waste time selling them. >.>
I never get luck
and I can live without it
Luck shines on u and then when it is all gone you have nothing!
except all the really cool stuff u bought and all the cool things u did but after that u have NOTHING!
someone dropeed 40k and i got it XD i guess they were qiuting 0.0