Power train Guild
By: Luckyfocus
Hello people be sure to be interested if you aren’t then you have nothing to do here
Mental preparation:
First before slaughtering your beloved monster (in my case zombies). Be sure to be mentally prepared.
First give yourself a goal. Like i wanna be lvl 70 in 5 weeks. Dont say things like i wanna lvl twice a day cause that will rip your time off.
Secondly make your mind clear don’t think about to much only focus on what your doing Fighting. When am fighting am more in a state
of trance i don’t feel feelings am just training more like unconsciousnes. I also heard tips like imagine the enemy as someone you hate.
Never tried it but hey maby it works for you.
Money preparation:
If your rich this isn’t much a problem. But for those who are poor training on zombies rips you off money. I got just one thing to say for that
If you cant afford it don’t train there. Ofcourse rich people can just train the may lose some money but hey the faster you train the faster you have your goal.
If your goal is to find Esther stay training there. Because a Esther is much more in FM then when you find it after 3 days of pots consuming.
PS: for fields like zombies bring alot of pots and empty ect space for teeth.
What makes a good training map?
1: Flat map. So not alot of ladders.
2: Not to many hills (for hunter hills are a big downfall)
3: Small map. Big ones are with 2 or 3 people no party
What makes a good training monster?
1: Good spam
2: Good enough exp
3: not to many hits to kill
4: (for poor people) Not to many damage
Way to train:
When you finally cced enough so you have a empty cha. Look at it. Youl have to make a patron so you can fight efficient. Pic 1 2 and 3 show lines of how to walk a map
PIC 1: you see this is phantoom chronos map the map for Esther hunting (never found one) Wel the red line is how you walk its a bit bumpy but i think you catch my drift.
Walking is circles is handy its like fishing if you fish to long on 1 spot fish will move to other spots so youl have to balance it
PIC 2: Training together is good SOMETIMES this is handy when the map is to big mainly or for beter spam. NEVER PARTY THE FRIEND.
Partying will result less exp and if your friend is weaker your more giving it then getting and with 2 theres a greater spam and still same exp. PS: this doesn’t work on al maps.
PIC 3: This is where party is handy. I was with 2 lvl 50 soldiers and me also lvl 50 it was great exp i was top killing jr yetis and the shared the ground killing on each side.
so here party does give you more exp but i think youl need atleast 3 people for that and a good monster to train on. (and a big map)
Calculate how much % you train:
This is quite easy. Get to the map you train (Make sure its empty) Then write down the % you have. And when your watch says liek 20:30 you fight like hel for 10-15-30 min.
Then when you trained lets say 30min Look how much % you gained in that time thats lets say 7.43 (51.34-43.91) Well to calculate it to % per hour is just 30min x 2 so 7.43 x 2 is 14.86.
However for lvl 50+ A map is only good when it gives 10%+ each hour wel at lvl 60+ this can be 9%- depending on where you train and what your job is.
Final words: Take breaks sometime do something else or set up a store (if you have one) its just a game so don’t train 10 hours straight or it will get boring Very Soon.
I Hope you enjoyed my guild and i also hope youl powertrain. And become lvl 70
PS: last screenie is me killing zombies.
weird pictures =.=
Most stupid goal ever, I set myself the goal 10% a day, because it’s realistic. I can achieve that. When I get my 10%, I’m usualy happy. I can take a break from maple for the rest of the day, If I would have a goal like “LVL this week”, I would just ruin the fun for myself.