Where’s the Christmas hiding?

I was in a semi-not great mood when writing this, so if my grammar is off and I’m overly blunt/perhaps not saying things in the nicest way, please forgive me for that and not using euphemisms. I didn’t proofread this either. Ah well. On to what I wrote now.

So, it’s been a day and some since the new Christmas patch came out, and I must say, I’m liking most of the changes. The day of the patch, I woke up at the exact time the patch was supposed to be finished, since I expected it to “be delayed for an hour and thirty minutes.” and that they were “sorry for the inconvenience.”, figuring that I’d have time to freshen up and all that while the patch was being finished. As a lot of you may know, though, there was indeed an announced server check and no one or very few people could get on, so I had to find something to do. I was in the mood to watch TV, but not the same garbage I see on TV every now and then. No, instead, I decided to watch some Gundam 00 episodes. Awesome series. Love the opening song, too. Daybreak’s Bell ~ L’Arc~en~Ciel.

Originally, I had a lot I wanted to write/politely rant about, but I honestly forgot most of it, sadly. I was in such a bad mood most of the day that I forgot. F7 Don’t you just hate it when you’re in a bad mood and you just feel like cursing, but you try to suppress it and just maintain your nonchalant composure? Okay, maybe you don’t, but I do. Granted, it’s really hard for me to get in a bad mood, since I always keep myself and my head level, regardless of idiocrasies and such.

Since I feel like it, I’m going to play the role of Stephen Colbert with my imagination, “because I can, and it’s free.” So anyways, on to what I was saying. Tisk-Tisk at the lot of you maplers who haven’t shaped up for Christmas. I’m in awe at why you want Santa to bring you lumps of coal. F4 Jokes aside, I really am somewhat surprised at how a lot of people are still acting these days. Here comes in the Stephen Colbert-ness now. A Tip of my Hat to all the nice maplers who are enjoying the season and remembering why Christmas (or in this case, Versalmas/Maplemas, respectively) is such a great time of year, if celebrated as it should be. A lot of people tell me Christmas isn’t that great a holiday, and that it’s not as awesome as everyone says. Well, to said people who said that, why do you think that? It’s because it’s people who took what used to be something really great and downgraded it into something more casual and not quite as meaningful. Granted, there are still people who cherish their Christmas times, but there are others who blow it off and not pay much attention to it, when they should. F7 You don’t have to support Christmas, but to me, Christmas is a time of year where people are supposed to be unified-enemies, friends, and families, alike.

Christmas in my eyes is one month where most of the world is or should be at relative peace with another. I’ve never had a Christmas, personally, and have wanted one for the longest time. I just want to know how it feels. I hope to have one soon. The closest I’ve ever gotten to Christmas was watching reruns of those old claymation movies or other Christmas specials, most notably watching Grandma Got Runover by a Reindeer a buhmillion times or so. I wish more people would appreciate the Christmas they get to have with their families. I think about those who are much less fortunate, as well, and how it’s practically impossible to have a Christmas. Two-thirds of the world is below the poverty line. I imagine most of them can’t have a spectacular Christmas like the rest of us who aren’t. Give the gift of giving, I’d say. Doesn’t have to be material, but never hurts to show even random strangers that you care, if they look like they could use some.

On a slightly related note, I’m a silent advocate of the Free Hugs Campaign, started by Juan Mann. If you don’t know who he is or what he started, I recommend you go look it up. Please. Since I’m too tired to remember how to use html tags or whatever they’re called, I’ll just put the link here. link There. Watch that. Then, treat your thoughts like shampoo, somewhat. Lather yourself with your thoughts. Reflect. Repeat.

Fills me with even more spirit of Christmas indeed.

Since I’m still imagining myself as Stephen Colbert, a Wag of My Finger to all those out there that take this season for granted. Today, I was in the Free Market, giving my friend an Orbis Rock Scroll, when this one guy comes in and starts begging people to buy an Orbis Rock Scroll from them. He sat there walking around back and forth F4ing and spamming people to sell him one. I thought, “Hey, maybe I’ll do something nice for this guy.”, so I did. I gave him one, rather than sell. Another guy for some reason tried to trump my kindness and gave him another one some time after me, but I don’t know why. F6 Anyway, the guy who these scrolls just looked at us, said “bb,” and left. Does no one say Thank You anymore? To me, saying Thank You should be like Nike. Just do it. </lame lolwut?> It’s polite, and it shows that you appreciate that someone/some people would stick their necks out for you, in various ways.

Later on today, my friend was training alone in a goby channel, and some guys from the same guild came in and just ksed him for no reason. Granted, my friend is pretty powerful, but 3 people all over the map was better than he could manage by himself, so he got upset and stormed off. I won’t say names because I think that’s against the rules or something here on MMOTales, but it was pretty ridiculous. I was afk at the time, so when I came back and found out, I went to heckle them about it, and I did, while ksing two of them. I left my own guild though temporarily because I didn’t want to get my guild involved or anything, because to me-A GUILD IS REFLECTED BY THE MEMBERS WHO COMPOSE IT-THE IDEALS, THE ATTITUDE, AND THE STANDING/OUTLOOK OF THE GUILD. DO NOT TRY TO TELL ME OTHERWISE, BECAUSE YOU’RE WRONG IF YOU DO AND HAVE NO COMMON SENSE. I.e. a guild that is full of pompous asses can’t claim to be a good guild with morals or a nice guild that does nothing wrong, etc. etc.

Overall though, it wasn’t that bad. I died a couple times because I didn’t want to waste pots, but yeah. I didn’t mind, because I was at 0% anyways, although they were laughing their behinds off, calling me “noob” and stuff when they’re the retarded guild. Please excuse my French, but- One’s an idiot, one’s conceited and full of himself, and one’s a bitch, and proud of it, though she claims she’s nice, and people agree with her. what? Messed up, I know.

With that story in mind, I ask the question and say to myself: “That’s not how people are supposed to act.” and “Why are people being like this even at Christmas time?” I just don’t get it. Are some people just really that bad that they always have to mess with others? People for the most part today have disgusted me. Later on in the day, we tried GPQing. Originally, one dk friend was going to come so we could share HB among the parties (and yes, it’s very doable, we do it all the time at pap). For some reason, he couldn’t make it, so we thought “How bad could it be? Guess we’ll just have to die a lot.” While the dying a lot part was true, we couldn’t get in Ergoth’s throne room not for 5 seconds before we got killed. A Wag of My Finger, Sideways Disappointing Nod of My Head, and Deep Sigh at Crappy Archer HP. F7 I didn’t like calling it quits, but my friends’ morale was shot down, so we had to. Ah well. F7

Even though my relatively incomplacent mood has blown over, I’m still sitting here thinking about why people are so mean to other people, even during the holidays. Yuletide cheer pls.

Now listening to My Heart Draws A Dream, also ~ L’Arc~en~Ciel. Another good song.

Nine days until Christmas. I hope people realize what they’ve done/what they’re doing to others and more importantly-themselves.

I used to write poems about Christmas, most notably the one disproving the existence of a current day Santa Claus as in those fairy tales, but some of them were nice, and somewhat well written.

Here’s one I wrote ages ago. It’s not that long, it’s my personal bias, and it’s not meant to flow perfectly, but nevertheless, I hope you like it.

“Christmas Revelations”

Christmas should always be celebrated,
Though for its Real and Original Reason.
A time of unison for enemies and neighbors alike,
Shall be voiced and held all throughout the season.

Christmas is a Time to Cherish,
All that God has given and provided.
One of the only times in the world,
Where all peoples should stand united.

Amazing, right? Just kidding. Ah well.

Well, I’ve said enough. I’m off to go run a mile now, because I feel like it. Maybe it’ll buildup my endurance for my trip in a week and some time. Who knows, but yay traveling. I’m strange, I know. Thank you, though enjoy your nights, all of you. May you all enjoy yourselves this season. Early Merry Christmas.

Happy Holidays.

4 thoughts on “Where’s the Christmas hiding?”



    Merry Christmas.


  2. As sad as it seems, its true. I can agree with you when the Maplers of today show no thanks. I’m probably one of them, but I at least do so when i remember to. As for those KSers, let them be who they are. The only benefit from them doing so is only proving how immature, stupid, and barbaric people can become on Maple.

    We should be in realization of this happening (The whol KSing thing). That’s the Future of Maple. Or New Generation that succeded the old. And quite frankly, I’m not pleased of what’s happened.

  3. Yeah, I personally think the world just keeps going more down and down
    I remember, back then, christmas was a huge deal, haven’t seen much christmas cheer now though!
    How can so many kids just go to parties, get drunk, and do all those stupid things? You gotta be stupid if you have watched all those movies in school and do it. How is getting lung cancer being rebellious?

    Lol, recently I have been on the richer side in MS, well according to my standards. I have 8 mil now
    I let a friend borrow like 6 mil and after he lost 5 mil during the rollback let him keep one mil. And I gave some lvl 26, 20k after he randomly famed me!
    And other kind acts!
    I find that this game grows to be a lot more fun when you interact with other people and help your friends! It really does!

    Merry Christmas!

    ~LaZzz. . .

  4. Omg! I love Daybreak’s Bell <3 And Gundam 00!
    Yes, I remember the past, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. . haha.
    I remember 2000 New Years, me and my sister stood in the living room, waiting and watching that New York ball go down, yelling and shouting when it was New Years. . And we used to sing Christmas Carols and we had an actual tree once. . oh well.
    Just shows how our lives change with the influence of other factors such as the television, music, and prominent people coming and going.

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