I’m am looking for a game to play. I DON’T want to play maplestory,gunbound, runescape, and all these other games. Granado Espada is one I might want to play. I don’t want a p2p game like Ragnarok or wow.

The reason I din’t want to play maplestory is because of hackers. There are way to many. I met a hacker one day and he says he usues other people’s IP’s to get them banned so he can still log on his computer. It also has a bad community and it takes up alot of space on your computer becaus eof the patches, the umm ptaches and yeah! Lol. The company doesn’t ban the hackers the posted so many things about the hackers. The hacker population just keeps growing and growing. How long did it take for LAPD to get banned? He hacked.

RuneScape also has a bad community. It doesn’t have any hackers. Well, yeah it does have alot of hackers. They don’t hack over the game though. They’re not as bad as the maplestory hackers. They hack your account though. RuneScape is a browser game type of thing lol. Nothing that protects your account. Once a person hacks your account all your things are gone. No one is nice enough to give you anything. The compay doesn’t even help you out either. Jagex is just as bad as nexon they just ban people for the stupid things. Like if you stsart selling money on the internet you get banned. They haven’t noticed anything else besides that?

Lol….I know this whole website full of free games…>.> god…..im stupid

Gunbound is all pvp. It gets boring after a while. How are you supposed to make friends. Your killing some people and your team is yelling at you most of the time for accidently hitting them and missing. There are no hackers in that game. Plus the server O’m supposed to go in shut doown one day for like a week or something. You jsut get to buy things from the cashop. For real money!!!! You don’t get to buy anything over the game. You get to make a guild but you have to be a silver axe.


The reason I don’t play dragonraja it’s fun and all but there’s no community -.-. There are alot of hackers, Three people in my guild are on and you see like 2 or three people in every town basically. You see like 2 training. It’s annoying.

~to lazy 2 type more

9 thoughts on “LOOKiNG FoR ANOTHeR GAME TO PLAY”

  1. Even though MapleStory has lost most of the hackers (population) they’re still jerks in the game. GOD DAMN THOSE ASSES! (sorry for foul language Dx)

  2. I swear . I’ve only ever seen TWO hackers in MapleSea all my life .

    Try Pangya ?
    Audition ?
    02Jam ?
    COmputer games ?
    Wolfteam ?
    CS ?
    Halflife ?

    – The list goes on –

  3. @repty: Well, I saw a load more. They’re just better at hiding themselves and lying low, in SEA.

    If you’re worried about taking up space with your game clients, than Granado Espada is going to make you scared. It’s 3.5 GB, compared to the 600 MB of Maple. -_-;

    How about FlyFF? It’s pretty good, has an anti-KSing system, a pretty good community and such.

  4. RuneScape.

    Sans all the negative remarks about it.

    Its hella good.

    Kingdom of Loathing?

    The kiddyness of it makes me laugh.

  5. Flyff has a very nice community. Everyone keeps giving me free stuff and buffing me without me asking all the time. o-O”

    Audition is fun, I <3 that game. Scions of Fate is cool, too. You might wanna try Trickster or Goonzu Online.

  6. I tried trixter goonzu i took a look at 2 one time, scions wow the have HUGE heads, Flyff is eh

    MikuniZer0 said: “Flyff has a very nice community. Everyone keeps giving me free stuff and buffing me without me asking all the time. o-O”

    Audition is fun, I <3 that game. Scions of Fate is cool, too. You might wanna try Trickster or Goonzu Online.”

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