My first and bad PQ

Today I (finally) leveled to 21!
So I went excited (…) to the PQ area in Kerning city, and joined a party really fast. In the party we had a level 29 and two level 30’s, so I thought we will finish in 10mins…
The quest has gone slow and we finally reached the last stage. We killed the monsters fast and then we got to King slime. Our party leader (level 30 cleric) died before we could attack the Slime.
After that PQ, I left the party and joined another one. We got in and started killing crocos. I asked the party leader (he was just a noob with nexon cash) to help us kill them. He answered me “shut up you stupid noob!”. I quit the party and made them quit the PQ.

I’d say this is a really bad beggining for this 10 levels of PQ, hopefully next PQ will be better…

Pic 1: Level up!
Pic 2: My first PQ. It could’ve been better.

One thought on “My first and bad PQ”



    Don’t get involved in any flame wars .
    [Advice by Dest1, I suppose .]

    Talk about MMO-Related stuff .

    Don’t Spam .
    [Thats my job .]

    Blog about MMO-related stuff .

    Be nice <3

    And I dare you to post crude comments, or ones that are classified under ‘heartless’ .

    *Shakes your hands with great force*

    Merry Christmas!

    Happy Easter!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Hannukah!

    [I forgot the spellling .]

    Happy Orange Day!
    [That is invented by me. Orange day is everyday! So is Fun Day, Candy Day, Insane Day. . . *Coughs loudly*]

    Happy Headache Day!

    Happy Internet Day!

    Happy Lime Day!

    [And don’t quote this. Its long. Quote and face the wrath of Oranges and Apples!]

    The leader either forgot his magic guard, or he was plain stupid .

    Leaders should automatically *EMPHASIS* help with the tickets .


    I did worse .

    I’m always bad at 1st times .



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