hello everyone,
So my guild “Snow” has been going to complete crap ever since our sader and priest ditched on us (Seort and HolyHinamori =_=…jerks) and ever since then people have been slowley leave our guild reducing it from 40 people to 24 people just because we can’t GPQ anymore.
One day while i was LPQing with my fiance Bobguardian i meet someone from a better guild that said i should join their guild if i wanted to leave snow (1337 is the guild id join) and i have been considering it but i love snow so much….they have become like my MS family and i would feel bad about leaving but yet i want to go out for bigger and better things…
I could always join my brothers (Kyokun17)’s guild Bleached but i probably wont but im not sure if im allowed to say this or not b ut anyone wanna give me some advice on what i should do?
I am kind of a fan of correct grammar since I have been flamed so many times so I suggest you edit it a bit so that you don’t get flamed as much as I have.
I KNOW that was a run-on sentence *Hides*