You guys probably already know who I am thanks to a certain someone, but I’ll formally introduce myself anyways.
I am Nova, BlackNazgul’s sister.
Ok enough of that. Anyways, I don’t think I’ll be on regularly, but that’s ok. I am home for the summer after my freshman year at college. Most of the time spent on the computer is dedicated to Maplestory, since that is basically the only game I know and actually like. We have Call of Duty 1 on the computer and I sometimes play it, but people on there are just too… how should I say it… immature? Psh, ratings may change due to online experiences my ass…
So on with this blog? (Sorry this is still a bit weird to me. Never blogged before ). My brother created all these accounts on all of these servers so I took one over: ShadowNova. If you ask me, Naz spends too much time writing The LOST and not enough time living in real life. But then again, who am I to talk if I play computer games?
By the way, is Naz really that great of a writer? Just throwing that out there.
Currently ShadowNova is a level 91 Ranger. I had played a DK before in GMS, leveled to almost 40, then quit because the leveling was so effing slow. Well not anymore! Anyways, I never thought a Ranger could be so much fun! Strafe is sex, Arrow Rain is mezmerising, and Inferno is, a blast . I’ve met some of you guys on already, so Hi to you all, and for those of you I haven’t met, Hi for the first time!
Also, I kind of made another account afted I found some Twilight enthusiasts and named her Alice, after Alice Cullen. For those of you who don’t know what the Twilight series is (Mostly guys I would presume), You should all go read it! Humans and Vampires and Werewolfs oh my! <3
So, here are my first impressions of you guys. I think I’ve seen enough of you all to make a fairly accurate prediction of your personality. Where to begin…
Ganzicus: My god you’re a fast reader and what you like EVERY SINGLE BLOG there is!
AzNxKnife: Almost as fast as Ganzicus? I dunno. You seem pretty friendly to Naz, so I’ll give you props for that.
Dest1: When I first saw your comments on a random forum, I was like, Stay clear of that moron… But after some further research (Asking my brother) my thoughts were right!
SilverFx: I’ve read that short story about the wolf and the warrior, and let me just say, I LOVE IT!
guosim: Redwall much?
Fenrir: Wolf much?
Lazydame: Man you’re like Naz’s number 1 fan! I’ve never seen such dedication for someone who hasn’t even read his latest work!
Darkwar4ever: You’re probably like a god on this site for providing us with a playground!
iSpade: Naz told me about your combining thing for Lost in the Shadows, A FEW MONTHS AGO and how you said you would finish by the END OF SCHOOL which was A MONTH AGO. My you’re a slow worker aren’t you…
FunnyFroggy: Frog lover? I can just imagine your room… green walls, green window drapes, green bed, stuffed frogs everywhere…
AxiomFable: Naz told me to read your FEAR series, and wow I was completely blown away. Props to you for being such an awesome writer. I also heard you live in Aussie. I’d love to live there one day…
AznRiceFan: I’ve heard your stories are fantastic, but the 100+ chapters kind of turned my interest away. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe what Naz is telling me.
Quack: See -FunnyFroggy- except change green to yellow and change frog to duck .
MasterCheeze: Cheeze tastes really bad… But apparently you taste very good…
RussetAure: Your name reminds me of a Potato lol. Naz said you’re nice.
Jesus: Naz calls you Jes for a good reason. He also said you were the best fanfic-starting person but not the greatest fanfic-ending person.
I know there are more of you guys out there, coming and going as you please, but I’ve only met a few.
This might be the last you hear of me, but it won’t be the last I’ve heard of you. Besides, I’m a telepathic Shadow right?
Much <33.
Lulz, Ganzicus beat me to the like as I was reading this blog.
I feel insulted.
You got everything wrong! It’s not green, it’s blue! And there aren’t any stuffed animals. >_>
I r nitrogen frog. o_O
Hey there!
I’m iSPADE, resident’s crazy blogger and under-appreciated artist.
We hope you enjoy your stay here!
What about me?
The solitary confinement victim gets no love
Dang it. I’m not famous.
Haha. Nowai.
Oh yea, I forgot RussetAure and Jesus! I was going to add you 2 originally, but I guess it slipped my mind!
And I guess I should come up with a siggy hmm
Well there you go, the Shadow herself!
-=The Nazgul=-
-=The Nazgul=-“
You said I’m nice? o___o
Err thank you. Or something. Lol.
-cries a river-
And that was just one comment. I can be an awesome person at times
No wai. I’m famous and a god lol.
Naw, not a god, but famous enough to be mentioned. XD MMO’s Finest too! >=O It was popular. . . for some time.
Oh yeah, anyone still remember Maple Academy? Who wrote those Fan-Fics?. .
I know Twilight. . . currently waiting for breaking dawn

Oh i am Sashimi, some random person tat nobody know D:
Zomg, the God has a sister?!
Nice to meetchu! *shakes hand*
No, child, dun plz copy me. ;___;
My siggy is my siggy. It’s been my siggy since I started long before most. >:
Sorry I didn’t know T.T, but in all fairness, is it ok if mine has an asterik at the end?
But I started almost directrly after you!
The days where The Day the Clock Tower Chimed, Ice Covered Road to Dreams, and Maple Romance Story (the one jesusfreak wrote) dominated the front page.
Is the asterik supposed to symbolize a star?
In other words, another way to express Nova?
Or is just just a way to make your siggy look cool.
i didnt know u were hteawesomeNazgul’s sister!
wow so awesome runs in the family? =D
Is the asterik supposed to symbolize a star?
In other words, another way to express Nova?
Or is just just a way to make your siggy look cool.
Could be both, you know.
Blah, sure.
Cheesy already ninja’d it anywho.
OMG, another nazgul!
*reads lord of the rings*
Greetings to you, fair maiden!
I appreciate the mention! Thanks!
Lol, oh no, I gotta finish nazgul’s story now, or there will be TWO ringwraiths after me!
~LaZzz. . .
Lol Cheeze and his awesome ninja-ing skills?
Sure the * could be a star
What about MEEEES!? I feel so left out. Nobody plays GMS anymoe,
The hamster was left out!?!
Then I quit using it because it took me too long to make -.- So I made a much more simple one, but I don’t use it anymore. Guess I’ll start now :3
I think I’ll go fall off my hamster wheel now D:
. . .what was I going to say? O_O
I used to have a siggy
Naw, not a god, but famous enough to be mentioned. XD MMO’s Finest too! >=O It was popular. . . for some time.
Oh yeah, anyone still remember Maple Academy? Who wrote those Fan-Fics?. .”
I wanna say Oblivion wrote those fanfics.
And, uh, atta boy Nova for mentioning me in your blog.
I think it was uh
AnbuNinja? Yeah.
If you meant Maple Academy and The Left Leg O_o

deathwalker :3
I put him on my buddy list so I just clicked on the people I wasn’t sure about >
FF, We’re in the same year of college D:
holy Ive been left out
Just because I take one long unexcused absense. . .
-plots plan to nuke world-
–Steals Worlds cookie supply–
Thanks for the compliment about the story.
I don’t suppose you play on SilentMS? I’m sure I recognise the names in the megas.
Welcome to MMOtales~
The Nazgul has a sister.
– explodes –
Nah, but seriously, pleasure to meet you. And I’m glad you’ve looked at my work.
Will be returning to FEAR shortly.
Enjoy your stay here, however long.
Nazgul’s sister. Wait, wait, my brain hasn’t understood yet. How could there be two of such charismatic people related like that!

~Lily x33.
Welcome to MMOTales :]
Goddam you guys like her too much
-=The Nazgul=-
Silver, yes I do play on SilentMS
Okay, I’m adding you the moment I login next. ^__^
Lol, well maybe you didn’t have to write an epic and awesome story about her, nazgul
We already know she’s a kick-ass person, plus nobody messes with a shadow!
~LaZzz. . .
Hi, I’m Deathwalker, Uhhh, Nothing else really to say, I’ve been gone, From the world, on business to the underworld. Some dead guys (I think terrorists) were giving me brother a hard time down there. Had to go straighten things out. Those dead guys, they never know that their dead until we tell ’em, Yeah, so hi
Not in there
So she can’t say anything bad about me
Welcomesss Nova!
I love it when people joining and they aren’t total weirdos, and actually blog nicely. Kudos to you
-=The Nazgul=-“
‘too much’ is a vague term
I love it when people joining and they aren’t total weirdos, and actually blog nicely. Kudos to you
Define weirdo. ._.
weirdo (n): Darkwar4ever.
Darkwar4ever (adj.): Pwnt :3