KLON Clone radio we play the songs that sound more like everyone else
then anyone else. Clone Clone Clone.
KLON radio winner of the first Silver Waffle
Alright ya’ll this is Nobody At Night here at KLON radio. How we feeling
out there?
Lets get things started off
With a song
Counting Crows – Long December
Hey everyone, this is Nobody at Night here! Well believe it or not, this blog was not created with the idea of being a KLON, what happened was I listening to the song above and the thought of making a blog without this song didn’t seem right. Due to this short notice, I will be forced to interview Nobody3223. I have two messages about this.
1. To the person I was interviewing last week, sorry, I feel we do not have enough information for a interview yet. Also it appears I did not save your interview. This happens way too often then it should and I apologize to you all.
2. I know, some of you might say, Nobody At Night, you already interviewed yourself. This is true, I interviewed Nobody at Night, not the original account which was Nobody3223. So =P
Lets move on to Alex, who is going to talk to you about a game him and his friend play.
First we have for you all,
Ozzy Osbourne – Crazy Train
Hi, Alex here. Well might as well jump right in. A while back my friend D and I made a game in which you wear all black at night at hide from cars. Wether it be behind trees, behind rocks, in bushes, by hitting the ground and pretending to be rocks, hiding behind fences, and hiding in patios. Now I live in a condo complex which means tons of hiding spots. So we go out in all black and the game is going great. So we get to the end of the complex and turn back, this is when things get both exciting and somewhat scary. A car comes by, D and I run up towards a house, D heads for a tree, and I head for a patio. I am about to dive in to the patio when I see a foot move inside, coming towards me. Now this will be difficult to explain but I was running completely straight and when I saw that foot, I did not turn my body. I strafed to the right. Basically I just jumped to the side and rocketed away. Then as I turned the corner towards D’s hiding spot, I find myself about to run in front of a window and for a split second I see a man turning to look out through the glass, directly towards me. Before I can think of it, I am on the ground crawling forward. My mind was screaming at me to move faster, in fear of the patio-man ( I was worried he would follow me )
So I get to D and thats when things get going, I look down the street and see a women walking dogs coming our way. I can tell she has not seen me yet, but if I didn’t move, she would. So I get down on my hunches and work my way between two bushes, making myself invisible. D stuck by his tree and acted as look out for a little while. The women keeps coming and finally makes her way around D’s tree, to avoid her sight he pivots to the other side. Now the women is about 3 feet away from me with dogs. I didn’t dare to breath. So she eventually passes us and when she turns the corner, D and I slowly make our escape. We work our way through the backyards of all the condos ( there are no fences between yards, there are fences for patios though ) So we turn the corner once more and there is a man in a car. We crouch down and wait for him to turn his head, and then we snuck by. So at this point we feel pretty safe, that is when another Dog walker comes into our path. We climb the nearby hill which seems to surround the outside of each condo. We sit quietly until we realize where we are. We are by a girl – we – know’s house. Her front door has blinds that allow you to see silhouettes of those inside. We see 3 shapes moving, two appeared to be pulling their coats on. We swore silently in the dark. The door opened and the girl waved the two guys off, we were above her at about a 45 degree angle and we prayed that she would not turn on the porch light. She closed the door and the guys walked away, we waited about 5 minutes before we got the hell out of dodge. At that point we made it home and by that point all the fear had had time to now be mistaken for excitement and that feeling returns whenever I recall it. The story sounds almost too impossible to be true, we never dreamed things would build up in that way. I can’t lie, it was fun as hell! The game had never reached a point like this before, and until this point we believed hiding from cars was fun. I can’t wait to do this again!
In Maple news, I leveled to 48, and I can now use my beloved Cromi. The wand looks stupid, but it is scrolled. I got it from a guy who quit, and ever since then I have wanted to use it. Now I finally can, and with my self-scrolled earrings, I can now hit over 2k.
Due to the fact that the last interview I did on Alex, was very egotistical although funny, I am going to try to make this one serious so that you can all have a little peek into that raging tornado I call my mind.
Nobody3223 interview
Who is your favorite MMOer?
SilverFX, gotta love her!
Why was your name originally Nobody3223?
Well, that was my first account on maple, he is very messed up stat wise, but I don’t have the heart to delete him. As far as the Nobody name goes, a lot of people thought it was a KH reference, which is not true. In fact, it is sprouted from that old saying parents told their children “Nobody is perfect” so I thought yeah I am perfect hahaha funny me I thought. A couple weeks later my brother ( anime lover ) shows me a E-card saying ” Nobody is perfect, and I am nobody” This bothered me greatly but what can you do? Oh the number 3223, was spawned from when I first started maple I kept getting “Name already taken” so I put numbers down still taken. So I finally snapped and said screw it! I am 3223 no one is that number for sure!
. . .indeed, so why is the new name Nobody At Night?
Back when I was Nobody3223 my signature was Nobody at Night. I always like the sound of it and it always sounded to me like a radio host name, or a radio host signing off the air.
“Well this is Nobody At Night, saying goodnight everyone”
Seems to fit huh?
Sure does, so where do you get all your music ideas?
My dad has a huge collection of CD’s and I heard a lot of them when I was younger, so I remember songs I like and put em up here.
Did you ever think up what KLON stands for?
Yes, I recently came up one.
Keep Listening Over Night
Sounds good enough, explain Smoking Paper to me, a common
question we have on the show is “what is smoking paper
Well, Smoking paper is a series I am writing, it is non-maple related so I don’t post it up here. It follows the life of a 20 year old name Stephen, nicknamed Jack and his friend Van. It has been described as non-conformist and I wont disagree with it. The grammar can be bad sometimes, because I don’t have Word on this computer. I like to hold on to the dream that the voice makes up for it though. I know I am always saying I am working on the next chapter, and this time I honestly do have ideas.
Cool, cool, so I heard you are a fan of the ladies?
You heard correctly, I have found a girl I am interested in, and I believe she feels the same! Here is hoping anyway!
Go get em tiger! You have ADD right?
That is true, unlike must people who use it as a comedy effect such as saying
“Wow ADD moment there” I myself have been diagnosed and take medication for ADD. I am proud of being ADD and I hardly think of it as a disorder, in fact it could be evolution. I have read up on the condition and the reason why we are easily distracted is because we think very fast. If you believe thinking faster is a disorder well you might have a disorder yourself.
Interesting, we have not asked many questions but I feel we have learned
a lot about you, besides your incredible love for yourself.
Good, you want to go to the broom closet now?
Sounds good!
We will now close the curtain on this disturbing scene
Well thats our show, as a final song we have for you
B52s – Love Shack
I love that song, I have loved it since I was young.
See you all, this is Nobody At Night saying remember to mention how much you LIKED this show, or I cannot afford to continue training Cheetahs to eat tofu as a insult to nature.
~ Nobody At Night
Note to self:
Do not interview yourself seriously.
As in, ‘do not interview yourself, seriously!’ or ‘Do not interview yourself in a serious manner’?
It’s still kinda funny though. But the first one was bettar. XD
I told you to interview me, is it not?!
Hero Worship
I told you to interview me, is it not?!
It’s his + that made him forget?
Uh. Very. . . unexpected twist at the end. o.o;;
u have ADD? o.o
from the way u and ur friend act like idots i can tell F3
tho that actually seems like fun =D
only in my neighborhood id get shot D=
15th most dangerous city, 3 guys got shot last nigh tin separate incidents and all that >_>
u have ADD? o.o
from the way u and ur friend act like idots i can tell F3
tho that actually seems like fun =D
only in my neighborhood id get shot D=
15th most dangerous city, 3 guys got shot last nigh tin separate incidents and all that >_>
We were smart about it, we could have walked out at any time and said hi, but that would ruin the fun =D