KLON 14 Grimno and Aznknife

KLON Clone radio we play the songs that sound more like everyone else
then anyone else. Clone Clone Clone.
KLON radio winner of the first Silver Waffle
Alright ya’ll this is Nobody At Night here at KLON radio. How we feeling
out there?
Lets get things started off
with a song

Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi

Hey every one been a while huh? I love that song, seems like a good song to return with. I wish I could say there was a smoking paper update for you all but that is sadly not possible. We do have the usual stuff for you though. So without further ado lets go on to the report from Alex.

Been too long guys, my Mothers computer broke and she took her laptop back, but now she went up to Canada for the weekend, so here I am! Well this is pretty much gonna jump from place to place with no logical or chronological order so here we go. I drew this Picture recently and I brought it into School. Everything was going cool till some kid came up, and says
“Hey dude that is sweet, can you draw me some H3ntia?”

Me: WHAT!?
Him: Come on dude
Him: DUde come on, I wanta wa-
Me: Shut up! *Looks around at the crowd of females in the room who are watching this conversation* I will not draw anything for you.
Him: What do you not know where “things” are located?
Me: I KNOW where things are located, I am not into that stuff, get away from me now.
Him: Why wont you draw it!
Me: Well. . .1: ew 2: ew 3: I do all my drawings in the living room and I don’t need my father walking in there.

So that was weird. On to the topic of Women folk.
Well the word “Babe” has slipped into my dialect, which makes talking to females about as dangerous as walking a tight rope. There is a chick in my German class who seems nice enough, by which I mean she is Cute and smart, and has a attitude. I know must people don’t like attitudes, but when you have one like mine, you need some one who is used to it. You know what I mean?
Now I am no Romeo but things are going so-so, I mean I get her to laugh a few times every day (Victory) but there are other times where I sit there and think “Alex, you gone and messed up now!”
One odd scenario went like this.

Chick: I am cold
Me: *has a jacket on back of his chair* hm I’m not
5 minutes later
Me thinking in my head: ALEX YOU FOOL! Offer her your jacket! *part of brain screams at me saying “THAT IS CLICHE AND YOU KNOW IT DONT DO IT*
apparently I didnt listen to that part of my brain and tried to wiggle the temperture back into the conversation, with “subtle” phrases like “I am dying of heat.”

Chick: Are you kidding me? I am freezing here!
Me *lifts up jacket* want? *Mind: PLEASE PLEASE*
Chick *weird look flashes across face and is quickly replaced by polite smile*
No thanks.
Me: Dam
Chick: what
Me: nothing at all *You gone and messed up now Alex!*

Other Girl news, I was hanging out in art club, and this girl I knew from Middle school was sitting across the room from me. So I strolled on over, pulled up chair and said
“Hey ba- I mean Jessica”
“Oh hey Alex whats going on?”
You know the usual social pulp >.>
So from that point on, whenever she spots me in the hall she says Hi
Which is no big deal I know but when she first did it, I couldnt help but think to myself
Relationship level up

So am I female obsessed?
whatever here is some more music for you!

Johnny Cash, A boy Named Sue

By the way, Here is my opinion on half of the reasons why I get in trouble at school, brought to you by comic genius, Dennis Miller

Interview time!
Here is Grimno!

How awesome am I on a scale of 1-10?

How awesome are you are on a scale of 1 to 10?
Hmmmm. . .
It’d have to say somewhere between a 1 and a 10.

What do you think of Smoking paper

Never read it. Smoking paper sounds like a movie.
“In a world where one man has a lighter, and another man has loose-leaf paper. They must combine forces to fight evil. Together they are, Smoking Paper”
Or it sounds like a Druggie’s afternoon.

What is your favorite food?

Favorite Food huh? Easy. Chicken-And-Rice Alabuntpan topped with tomatoe sauce.
(It’s a circular rice-cake with a hole in the middle, stuffed with melted ricotta cheese, meatballs and chicken. Topped with tomatoe sauce)
Very good stuff man.

Favorite song?

My favorite song huh. . . that’s hard.
I don’t really have “1” favorite song. But many.
I like alot of songs. ALOT OF SONGS.
So I’ll pick “Rooftops” by Lost Prophet.
I can’t say it’s my “favorite”, but it’s up there.

Favorite band

I don’t have a favorite band. Noone is worthy of me being a fan of which to be. . . fan. . . band. . . fish?

What is wrong with you?

Pfft. Like I’d tell you so that you’d just use it? Pfft, what a cop-out.

You have lost me

To Hit Lvl 100. To complete the next Event Patch.

Favorite MMOer?

Your not my fav. Uhhh. . . . uhhhhh.. . . uhhh. . . it’s a tie. MasterCheeze and Dest1.
Dey coo.

When you reach the pearly gates what do you want God to say to you?

What I want him to say to me?

Grimno- Hi God
*Grimno and God Disco Dance*

And we’d be dancing to this song!

That is the best response yet =3

Who is your idol?
Meh. I am my own idol. I follow my own’s dreams. My dream’s are my dream’s to follow.

Favorite Color?


Man, blue is popular.

Favorite drink?


Any hobbies?

Let’s start from the top.
Collecting cards, collecting eraser, collecting Halo Action CLIX, drawing, be artistic, reading manga, typing here, typing there, reading types, playing games, watching games, eating, sleeping, all of those combined, doing stuff, making stuff, eating stuff, watching stuff, FireLeo got bit by Chi, lawl, making random comments like that, watching Dest1 while he sleeps, holding knives over Dest1 while he sleeps, sharpening the knives of which I hold over Dest1 while he sleeps, have internal struggles wondering if I should let go of the sharpened knives I am holding over Dest1 while he sleeps, making jokes, making ramen, and fish.

Special skills?

I was an awesome drawer. I draw well. Drawing well am I. I am of the drawing wellers.

How are you today?

I am good. Tired, but a large chug of orange soda woke me right up.
Speaking of which, brb. *runs to the fridge*


What is new?

Hmm. . . well, I got an interview from this dude NobodyNight. Which sounds like an Inn really. “NobodyNight Inn. Where NOBODY SLEEPS TONIGHT”
What else. I hit lvl 23 on Perfect World. And uh. . . download alot of music to my PSP.
Chyeah. That’s what up.

Wow that Nobody guy sounds awesome

Any special some ones?

No. I am single, 18 and a virgin. And I can’t be any happier. Seriosuly, I find Girlfriends to be just a burden.
So at the age of. . . something, I vowed NEVER to get a girlfriend. And I have stuck with that vowel.
Cause like, in drama back in 12th grade, this one girl Brittney Danials wanted to be my GF (Her last bf left her, and she wanted me cause I was “funny”.) but I turned her down. People in my class hated me then, said I was cruel. Then they got to know her.
And, she always wore a scarf. Even in spring.
That frekin scarf. . .

Do you sing in the shower?

Shower? What is this odd word you speak of?

Thats it for Grimno, here comes AznKnife!

On a scale of 1- 10 how awesome am I?

Well I would say an 8. I only give 10s to my imaginary friends.

8 is good enough I suppose.

Smoking paper the best story you have ever read or the greatest thing in the world?

Hmm, how should I say this. . . Never heard of it.

NOTICE TO ALL MMOers! Smoking paper is a story written by yours truly,
It is not MMO related, so in order to read it, you must click on my links

What’s your favorite food?

Anything that I can stab with a knife(cooked food only)

Violent aren’t we?

What’s your favorite Song?

I don’t know, I’d have to say Beast and the Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold.

What’s your favorite band?

I have no idea.

What’s your real life name?


Aaron is my brothers name.

I don’t see why I can’t have Aaron as my name.

Because I said so, your new name is Fran, I hope you enjoy it

What are your maple hopes and dreams?

I wish to become a White Knight soon. Then my next hope is to reach Paladin and get 4th Job, which I KNOW will not happen.

Who is your favorite MMOer besides me of course!

Hmm, definitely not you. I’d have to say Ganzicus.

When you die and if there is a god what do you want him to say to you at
the pearly gates?

Hey! You’re not supposed to be here yet, gtfo back down there!

Who is your idol?

I don’t think I have one.

Most embarrassing moment?

I’d rather not say.

Mip said her most embarrasing moment so you do yours ! We wont make
fun of you. You wont regret it!
You will just lament it

No can do.


Any disorders?
Take I wild guess, I promise I won’t tell. CoughNoCough


Yes you are, crack addict.

Favorite artist?

-Looks around- you talking to me?

Why would I talk to the person I am interviewing, that would be weird >.>

Favorite book?

No idea

Favorite classic book?

Doesn’t ring a bell.

Any special talents?

I can draw pretty good, given enough time. I suck at blind contour though.

Favorite color?
Either Black or Blue or both.

Favorite show?

No comment.

Do you have anything to say!?

Thats it for you Aznknife. Normally I would play your favorite song, but I dont feel like it right now =3

This KLON has the most music yet, which is fine with me!
Well thanks for tuning in. Even though I have filled this show with music, it wouldnt be right to leave without a song!

Remember to say how much you LIKED this show, or else Ray Kroc will still have more money then me.

[Edit] CURSE YOU MY MUSIC! The best songs wont work >.>, both of them are Mark Knopfler songs, I am going to try to fix it. ( No way in hell)

15 thoughts on “KLON 14 Grimno and Aznknife”

  1. HURRAH for fixing the music!
    Too bad I had to get rid of the Mark Knopfler song at the top T,T I love that song

  2. I wonder how many people listen to the music?
    I dont care if you dont, I mean if you just listen to one of them I am happy.

  3. The “Rooftops” song reminded me of that song called “The Roof Is On Fire”

    So I guess that counts as listening to the music?

  4. NobodyNight said: “I wonder how many people listen to the music?
    I dont care if you dont, I mean if you just listen to one of them I am happy.

    Uhh, usually I read these when I’m not supposed to be on, so I kinda can’t. >>;;

  5. ShiningWings said: “

    NobodyNight said: “I wonder how many people listen to the music?
    I dont care if you dont, I mean if you just listen to one of them I am happy.

    Uhh, usually I read these when I’m not supposed to be on, so I kinda can’t. >>;;”

    Thats cool, like I said, I dont mind. I would actually be surprised if some one listened to all that.

  6. Dest. Don’t even get me started. . .

    *pulls up a bazooka and fires at Dest, but instead of a rocket, it’s a CHAINSAW! Dest gets skewered*

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