The Curse of Jonah (part 1)

It was a wonderful day in orbis.People chit chatting and begging for money to get on the boat.There was a strange lvl 77 priest….The priest name was Jonah.Everyday people would spot him in a confined corner all by himself.Every time people came by he just wanted them to leave him alone.Rumor has it,that there have been curses all over orbis….Like the extinction of the sentinels,the extreme lag,and a strange black hole where Jonah always used to stand.But today he was nowhere to be seen……………

Michael,a lvl 52 bandit was sitting in a chair on the boat to orbis.He had heard all the strange rumors and decided to go explore and see if these rumors are true.He was just waiting,waiting,waiting…………Until,BANG! a noise like a firecracker went off.Michael jolted upright along with other people on the boat.People were scared at what might happen.Suprisingly,nothing happened to the boat….But something terrible happened in orbis.Just as the old fortune-tellers predicted,Orbis started falling apart and splitting!Michael did not know until he arrived in orbis..People were scattered all over the station,all trying to get a ticket out of Orbis.Soon the tickets were sold out,many people were left behind in Orbis,including Michael………

Coming soon is “The Curse of Jonah” (part 2)

Thx for reading! ^_^

4 thoughts on “The Curse of Jonah (part 1)”

  1. its as short as a gnome (i like this simile)
    write moreeeeee! i got hooked but a no no to shorty-ness

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