I dont know why i made that the title, perhaps i feel a little exuberant today? Do you? Please say yes, and then everyone will be happy. Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy.
Here’s an excerpt (sp?) of my new story! Please say you like it, or if you don’t, write an angry comment. That would make my day! And it’s holidays! For me. Not for you Americans, no-sireeee. It’s 12:29, midday and i just ed the dingoes. Now here’s the story excerpt. Moctopus.
Or not, because my memory stick is deciding not to work
Oh wait, here it goes.
“You seem like a rich man, Tomasu. I know how many mesos you have in those pockets of yours. And we can’t let you leave without liberating you of them. After all, aren’t we thieves?”
His friends snickered at his pathetic pun, then stopped. The shopkeeper became menacing…murderous. Then he shouted “Now!” and everything went crazy
In less than a second, the man in the back had leapt up and thrown his knife. It took another second to reach Tomasu. But he had already whirled his staff up and spoken three fast syllables. A flash of light burned my eyes and then the knife clattered to the floor, encased in ice. The thrower’s eyes widened in surprise
The man behind my master Tomasu had began to sneak up on him, but I soon put a stop to that. My whirling and snapping made him curse, and he fell back, momentarily blinded.
Hoorah! The excerpt!
That’s from one of the more…action packed parts. If you could call it that.
Also, i have already played MapleStory this morning! Update!
On the new characters. Here they are.
NightShade- Level 35, 90%, or thereabouts
CyberWolf-Level 24, somethingpercent, 2.4 mil
I have accompanied screenshots
That’s all everyone! Hoorah! Read My Blog! Click i liked it. Unless you didnt. In which case, write an angry, angry comment
i’m bull. . . and uninformed
actually, MAC from the basil forums started 3rd person talking. I am his 3rd person co-mate in Chat.
umm its up to fpooned to say what he wants right? besides he might just come post something funny 3rd person speech about you asking stop and all that
Kit can speak how she wants to. Those disliking it can choose to ignore Kit. Kit doesn’t change herself to fit other poeple’s needs. Ask Kit’s human if you don’t believe Kit!
Hi people! -waves-
Kit doesn’t understand why her post was entered twice. . .
Fenrir says 3rd person ROXX0rz!
this is immature =____=. mass ban on every server. i lvl’d from 8-19 in one day, and i went up a 1xx,xxx ranks
The Ninja believes that KSer4 means that the Ninja has the right to talk in this manner because he started it.
The Ninja agrees, but the nation’s freedom of speech laws prohibit him from going and and killing copycats. Ah, democracy.
The Ninja thanks you for the compliment.
~The Ninja
Kit also has the right to talk in her manner because third person tense wasn’t started by a certain person. It wasn’t popularized by a certain person. It doesn’t belong to a certain person. Third person tense is third person tense. Everyone and everyone can use it. Kit doesn’t think anyone has the right to call others copycats. Kit thinks it’s very rude. To avaoid further arguments that might just occur, Kit is removing herself from this blog.
~Kit *paw print*
I don’t get what u guys are talking about T.T
It’s the comment glitchy thingo.
The excerpt seems pretty interesting. Of course, since this is somewhere after the characters have been introduced, I didn’t understand who anybody was; also, the action sequence seemed kinda vague. I’ll wait for the whole thing to come out. =)