Chapter 1- Into The Game
It had been a long day at school for James. 6 periods of empty boredom, and a recess and lunchtime of playing soccer with the other kids. He had snatches of conversation with his friends, but even this was not enough to lift him out of the drudgery of everyday school life.
Finally, his train arrived and he was on his way home. The laughter of his friends walking out of school was long faded and the carriage was quiet as the train rumbled along. Quietly, James unzipped his bag and drew out his Connectiox. The silver contraption lay sleek and shiny in James’ palm. It was slightly longer than his hand and just as wide. He flipped it open and hit the power button. He slipped on some dark sunglasses. Odd. The sunglasses seemed slightly bulky…not exactly stylish. The screen of James’ Connectiox flashed up, lighting his face with a warm glow. He selected an icon on the screen. The carriage lit with a flash, the screen changed colours wildly- and then, where a teenage boy had been sitting just a second ago, was an empty seat.
And in a carriage that was almost exactly the same as the one the boy had recently vacated, he appeared. The same position, the Connectiox still glowing in his hand. He looked around at the room-it was normal, except for a slightly exaggerated cartoon look about it, and smiled.
Glancing outside, he saw people moving around in the underground subway-but these people were nothing like those James normally saw out the window on his train trip home. These people wore outlandish clothes, carried huge weapons, and had unnatural eye and hair colours. Large blue bubbles seemingly made of goo swarmed around them, grinning maniacally, and looking surprised when they had been hit-as if they weren’t expecting it. Even if it was the 5th time they had taken a blow.
James had entered the world of MapleStory
He manipulated his fingers in the air as if typing on a keyboard, and a screen flashed up with a whole host of names. A couple were green, signifying they were online. But the one James wanted was at the top of the list. He waved his hands around a bit more, and a chat box opened. A character wearing heavy chainmail armour and carrying a large, black sword known only as the Doombringer appeared. It was James’s brother, Lachlan.
James greeted his brother and asked if he wanted to train at Drakes, and Lachlan said yes. He was already there and training. James quitted the chat, and opened his inventory. Images flashed up, until they finally settled on a scroll. It was highlighted, and shone in the air for a few seconds, emitting golden threads of light, then James was gone.
Laclan loitered on the stone ground, waiting for his ever slow brother. Weren’t thieves supposed to have haste? The bodies of Drakes littered the ground around him, but he had taken them out with ease. There was a sudden disruption of particles over near the corner of the map, where a plethora of colours shone, signifying a portal. Then, Lachlan’s brother emerged.
James wore a black pirate’s hat, and his eyes were dark. His clothes were light, and rough looking-all black as well. A curious contraption was fastened to his left hand- a “claw”, as it was known in MapleStory, and this particular one was a Sapphire Slain. Its use soon became apparent, as James’ eyes grew wide. Lachlan looked at him strangely…what was it James had seen about him? Then he realised James’ gaze was levelled past him-over his shoulder at the hoard of Fire Drakes that were closing in on the brothers!
This is only my first story-so please leave a comment, about anything-i just want to know what you guys think, whether it be good/bad. We are level 50ish but my brother begged to be given a doomsinger, hehehe. Anyways, hope you enjoy! Happy Mapling!
Doombringers are teh cool
Wouldn’t blame your brother.
Go go!
Quite good, I think. At least it’s got good spelling, grammar and stuff.
WEll, its kinda toooooo direct version of MS, kinda like directly translating how you play the game. More like an autobiography then a story, but glad you cant wait for MS to come out on the handheld!