Hey Everyone!
Well, i havent actually posted a blog about my “thoughts” for a while, only the first two chapters of my story…so here’s a blog about my weekend in Maple.
Firstly, i leveled about 40% at wild boars-and got no equips at all…
Then, i decided to do some quests, which paid off! I went to the dungeon, and completed the one where you have to get the 120 horned mushroom caps and the wild boars teeth. When i completed it, i got a 60% Scroll For Staff for Magic Attack! Woot! I soon discovered that it was worth around 900k-1mil. I was in FM, advertising to sell it, then someone offered 850k…! I sold it…so now i have almost made my first mil. Also in training i got some equips-not that great-a brown jester hat…or whatever the level 30 hat is called, a mithril polearm and one of those basic shields. I did two more quests, both jump (has anyone done the one with the ninja stars? How cool is that!?) and got my level 35 thief gloves, the gold arbions and a scroll for overall armour defense…10%. I’m not sure how much it is worth. Oh, and i leveled. So all in all, it was an awesome weekend of Maple. Hope you guys had a good one too!
Good for you.
I always wished I could steal the stars from the JQ. I’ll take like, all the Illbis and sell it to the richest sins I can find. Oh the mesos. 
xD I hate jump quests. I’m questionably the most uncoordinated person anyone could ever meet, and I completely test the definition of the ‘Forest of PATIENCE’. xDD
Congratulations on all the stuff! May your luck be bestowed upon me when I go a-huntin’. =O
*agrees*i hate jumping