Well, after a long period of doing nothing much in maple, I was inspired (by some people on this website) to download the game FlyFF (Fly For Fun).
I create an account, and then log into the Aibatt server (at least, i think that’s what it was called….) and create a new character. There’s pleasing music playing. And bright colours. I’m in the central town.
It’s all a bit confusing at first, with people zipping by on hoverboards and broomsticks, but eventually I make my way out of town and begin to attack the monsters of FlyFF. It’s fun! If you’ve played WoW, it’s sorta like that. Except decrease graphics by about ten times, and your character’s avatar doesn’t look good.
I’m currently level 11 in about 2 and a half hours of playing, but the training doesn’t grind nearly as much as Maple (well, for me anyways). I’m going to be a mercenary, a sword dude. You also have the approximation of free megaphones, which is pretty cool. No-one seems to swear, or abuse the megaphones, and the community is very helpful. I’ve been “buffed” (like Bless and Invincibilty in Maple) several times without even asking, and in my first hour I was invited to a guild
All in all, 9/10. And if you want a break from Maple, I recommend you download this game! Peace out….
I may just do that! o.0″ I’ve always wanted a 3D game to play! But I’m on Dial-up! And It’ll take 28 Hours to download it! T_T
So I’ll keep playing Dofus and MapleStory till! ^_^
Well, I tried flyff and well! Dang I hated it from the first moment I saw it. That is because it was so confusing I had no idea what to do! Please help me with the game. I’ll probably be on in like 5 minutes to try it again.
~Ramen Helps All
Glad you had fun in flyff ;D
If you need help, I’d be glad to help out, though I can’t help much, because I’m on a different server, but, you know,
Hope to hear more about your experiences!