Jonathan (2)

Hey guys! Here is the second chapter of my story! Thankyou for the feedback from the first chapter! Glad you guys liked it..this one is a bit more action-orientated. Feedback and criticism greatly appreciated!
If you haven’t read the first chapter…it’s link

Chapter Two.

Disembarking from the Orbis ship, Jonathan stared around him. He felt like he was in another world. He was in another world. The leafy green around him was something he had never seen before. It was amazing.

Passing him was the gaggle of magicians. He followed them out of the station and into the massive tree that was the centre of Ellinia. His plans didn’t concern this place. He had to find Kerning City. He had to find a way to oppose the Orbis Guards, everything his father stood for – hurting him as much as possible.

His plan was to join the thieves, with their secrecy, their daggers and knives and rumoured skills of concealment and magic. They had fought long and hard against Orbis, with help from no-one. Ellinia was allied with the land of clouds. Perion was where the main contingent of Orbis Guards had come from, and where the new ones were sent for training. The peaceful bowmen knew nothing but their dreamy village still rooted in the past. But the grungy city of Kerning and its inhabitants wanted power. They were the ones who had challenged Orbis over the centuries. And they continued to do so.

Looking around him, Jonathan noticed several magicians eyeing him warily. He went to ask for directions to Kerning, but the haughty attitudes of the magicians led him with no answers after several questions. Until, travelling down a vine to the lower parts of Ellinia, he found someone clad in dark leather, but with bright eyes and lengthy blonde hair.
“Can you tell me how to get to Kerning City, please?” he asked the girl.
“Oh! Sure!” she replied. “You can walk, but if you want, I can give you money for a taxi!”
“Thanks…that’d be great.” Jonathan was a little bit shy, and she was certainly a very bubbly personality.
“Here! Oh, and by the way, good luck in Kerning City! How come you’re travelling there?” She looked intently at Jonathan.
“I’m looking for the Thieves guild…I think they can help me…with some family problems.” Jonathan said, looking faintly uneasy.
“Oh! Cool!” the girl said. She looked confused. Jonathan surmised she didn’t know what he was talking about. He smiled
The girl grinned back, handed Jonathan the money, and without another word, departed. Looking around, Jonathan hailed a taxi and got in. But behind him, the blonde haired girl’s vacant expression vanished. In its place was a hardened scowl.

“Good luck trying to get to Kerning City with me in the way…the Thieves Guild doesn’t need another recruit…especially a weak Orbisian.”

In the taxi, Jonathan chilled out lying back in the seat. He took in the sights outside his window as the scenery of Victoria Island flashed past. He was on his way to finding the Thieves Guild. He was on his way to achieving what he had set out to do four years ago as he sat in his bare bedroom, crying.

A flash of an irregular colour outside the window interrupted his thoughts. “Yellow…? What the –“he thought, and then it hit him. He was looking at the bobbing blonde hair of the girl he had met at Ellinia who was keeping pace with the taxi. Her brow furrowed in concentration, she fumbled with her belt, before pulling out something that glinted sharply in the sun. Jonathan’s eyes widened. He had only ever seen them in books before. But how to escape? What was the girl even going to do with one throwing star?

Then in a horrifying revelation, it all became clear to Jonathan. Speed. Sparks. Fuel. Fire.
The girl threw her star, and Jonathan threw the door open and dived out, turning in the air to see the star strike the engine at the front of the taxi. A massive explosion’s sound waves rented the air. Flames licked Jonathan’s heels. A white flash assaulted his retinas while his ears had a continuous ring.

He sat up, retching. His ankle was definitely broken. His throat was dry and scorched from smoke. He was seeing doubles everywhere. But one thought invaded his mind. The girl! Where was she! He struggled shakily to his feet, and a hand gripped his wrist sharply. It was the blonde haired girl. Her eyes were wide and manic.
“You won’t get to Kerning City” she rasped. Then she fumbled inside her cloak for a dagger. She drew it out. The sharp blade refracted sunlight into Jonathan’s eyes.

Then behind the girl came a group of people dressed in black. At the head of the group was a man, his eyebrows furrowed. He was tall and wiry, with blazing orange hair.

“What are you doing to this boy, Lucy?” he asked the blonde girl menacingly.
“I-I…met him in Ellinia, Stryder. He’s…seeking to find you. Us.”
“Then why did you not give him free passage to Kerning City, Lucy?” the man Jonathan now knew was Stryder spoke angrily and deep.
“He seemed…weak. I didn’t want him to bother our guild with his requests for training.”
“Anyone who wishes to request training with us may do so. Whether they receive it is up to me, not to you. And if he survived one of your attacks, he must evidently be something special. Lucy, you are dismissed for a day from my sight. Young man, you may come with me and my group back to the guild’s quarters.”

He raised an eyebrow at Jonathan, and then beckoned with a finger. Jonathan took a step forward…and collapsed. The last thing he saw was “Stryder’s” face bent over him in concern…then he lost consciousness completely…

6 thoughts on “Jonathan (2)”

  1. Nice . You know , I was a bit confused from the word obrisian , then I remembered he was from obris . >.<

  2. Nice work, Night! =D

    Just space out the paragraphs a little more, pl0x? Usually when I go on MMOT it’s at night and I’m tired, so the words keep merging together sometimes. xD

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