Banned =(

I logged on to Nexon website to check how the patch was going. For fun i typed my name in on rankings, my character didn’t come up….I try again…same thing. I type in my other characters name. he dosen’t come up. Check my otehr character. Dosen’t come up.

I better not be banned or i might quit Ms…i’ve started again trying to create the perfect guy so many times >.<
And i finally got there! nad i just bought Steelies which i saved up. Im cut.

is this some cglitch that’s happening to everyone. Oh well…

IM not even sure what they banned me for >=O

(if im banned)


3 thoughts on “Banned =(”

  1. They say when a char doesn’t come up in the rankings, that it may be a glitch. Mostly it’s becuz ur banned ye.
    You mihgt be lucky that you arn’t and that is just a screw-up failure of Nexon again ,

  2. Nexon always screws up. . .

    This morning, the patch for the Mushroom Shrine was downloading fine, but I had to turn off the computer before it finished.
    Then, now, I can’t even get the patch started because of some HTML glitch ><

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