Sapphirel4 Turns 30! (Conclusion)

We left of with Sapphirel4 being confronted by a total stranger. What did he want? Why did he call me out and not anybody else? Find out….

“What do you want from me?”

Stranger: “What kind of mage are you?”

“Im an ice/lightning mage. Why does that concern you?”

Stranger: “Because me an my pq members were talking and even though youre new to this whole pquing in ludi thing we want you to join us. So will you?”

“Really? Sweet! 1st one all day! Thanks!”

Well there you have it the 1st pq of the day. I was very excited and glad that i didnt have to wait in the room with other people anymore,but then again we had to do more waiting to get in anyway XD. I wondered how it would look like inside and just how different it would be. I wasnt used to meeting all these people(I technically never am since Im very shy) but if it was pquing I was willing to give it a shot. I was also kind of worried about making a fool of myself since I had no idea what to do but they assured me theyd teach me.

*waits 20mins*

“What stage are they on?”

PQ Leader: ” About done. Ok so once we get in there is only one objective for you.”

“What is that?”

PQ Leader: “To get as many tickets from the Rats then report back to me and give them to me so that we can advance to the next stage. After than I will give you further instructions.”

“No sweat. I can do that pfft i can get tickets how hard can these stages be? I mean really…”

*pq members look at me as if I have no clue on what I got myself into*

“What?” 0.o

*They laugh*

There I go again assuming that everything will be fine that Im gonna make it out so easily but hey thats the fun part about things you never really know what its like until you find out right? Then once you find out its like…wow how cool is that?(or the complete opposite XD).

*Finally gets in.Screen fades to black. Is in a pq area.Time is ticking*

“Woah! Wth! Rats what do I do?!?”

PQ Leader: “Kill them and get the tickets they drop, then once everyone is done give them to me.Got it?”

“Ok.Here goes…”

The rats werent as bad as I thought they were I kept killing them and I found out why it was they needed a mage. There are some areas where others couldnt reach(teleport areas) so I came in handy. ^_^ I was still new to this but I felt like I fit right in. Everything was cool until…..

*stage 3*

“Why are there so many portals?”

PQ Leader: “Each portal is for a specific class. Top 3 are for mages.Bottom ones are physical. You take the top ones since well you are a mage.Go into it and seek out the monster then kill and get the ticket each one drops.”

“Monster? W- Wait you didnt tell me about a-“

*he leaves*

“Um…ok.*gulp* here I go.”

*goes in portal*

“O my gosh its pitch black in here..*heres a noise* W-What was that? 0.o”

Right then I see a pair of big eyes looking right at me. They appeared out of nowhere and as fast as they came they faded.

*Thinks to myself* Ok he said to kill it…then thats what i got to do.I can do it.

*game face on*

The eyes reapear.

*hits several times*


“Woot I did it! Yey me! Well…I still have 2 more doors.”

*kills other 2*

“I got the tickets”

PQ Leader:”Great drop them and give to me”

*Goes on to the next stage*

Now the next stage we didnt get to do since we were only farming. I was lvl 35 for crying out loud but it was fun. I got to experience something new that involved team work and if one person wasnt in it then we would all suffer in some way,so everyone had to contribute and put effort into it. I decided to lvl so much more just to find out what happened in those last 4 stages. I pqued and trained so much I reached……

*lvl 40*

“Woot woot! Look at me! Time to get new threads!”

*buys lvl 40 clothes*

“Aw I look so cute. Well now that Im strong enough I finally get to explore those last few stages.”


I was very anxious and very inpatient at that time. The last few stages were said to be the most challenging. The last stage as I heard, was said to be the home of a monster……a huge monster craving for the innocent souls of pquers. If defeated you would be rewarded handsomely if not…..well thats a different story now isnt it….

9 thoughts on “Sapphirel4 Turns 30! (Conclusion)”

  1. Lol I know that now at 1st I thought it was a giant penguin looking thing. So when I actually called it out once I said penguin, everyone laughed at me -_-. I didnt know. But it was funny.



    Level 30 .

    I messed up my first Ludi PQ by jumping on the block golems in the whacking-box part .

    And trying to attack them .


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