A lost Soul pt 3

A lost Soul
Part 3

“Must get to master!” yelled a bandit running through an underground tunnel. He rounded a corner and banged into a door. “Ouch… oh great not again” he said. He pushed to door open and stepped inside.

“What do you want?” someone said. “Master, i have come from the Sincou palace to bring you information” the bandit said. “Alright bandit what is it?” the Master said. The bandit hesitated before saying “Sincou is getting stronger and stronger along with his school”

“Yes i know that!” the master roared. The bandit kneeled, “Sorry master i’ll go get some men to finish them off!” A big chair turned around and there sat a big man. “Wait bandit, take my hermits they will take care of them faster than your puny bandits.”

“Yes sir!” the bandit said while bowing and walking through the door. “hmm, GUARD!” Master yelled. 4 guards walked into the room. “Yes sir?” One of them said, “Get me my claw and my team of warriors, we’re going hunting”


Jacob opened his eyes slowly. He tried to lift his head but he doubled over in pain. He moved his arm and saw there wasn’t anything wrong there. He tried to move his other arm but he couldn’t because it was in a cast. He turned his head and saw Sincou laying on another bed in the room beside his.

He remembered the fight in the school. He thought What about the rest of the school?. He tried to remember how he passed out but couldn’t remember a thing. He closed his eyes again and pictured the bandits.

The door opened up and he opened his eyes. There were 3 priests walking into his room along with a bishop. They bent over him and started healing and strengthening him up. He felt the pain in his left arm start to go away.

He had enough energy now to talk so he said, “Thank you.” the Bishop put his finger to his lip motioning to not talk. I quickly closed my mouth and didn’t say another word until the Bishop saying “There you go you should feel good… well except for your leg.” The Bishop winked at him and walked out of the room with the priests following him into Sincou’s room.

I got up and stood. My left leg hurt a bit but i could atleast limp. I limped over to the door and opened it up. I got out into the hall and limped over to the EXIT sign above the door. I opened it up and stepped out.

My vision got bright and i couldn’t see for a few seconds. I quickly got used to the light and looked around. I was in the backyard of a hospital. I stretched my arms and walked to a rock.

I sat down and rolled my left pant leg up. There was a big scrape in it, where did that come from? i thought to myself. Oh well it will heal in a while, in the meantime i should get a little rest and have some fun I smiled at the thought of no school or training.

Finally some peace and quiet. I stood up and started walking to the gate outside into Ellinia when i bumped into someone. I started to fall but they grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I looked and saw it was a girl.

I said “Thank you.” She blushed and replied, “Your welcome…” I gulped, “Whats your name?” She said “Mollie and you?” I quickly replied “Jacob” I held out my hand but she didn’t shake it. She blushed and ran back to her friends. I shook my head and saw they had walked away.

I started daydreaming about my goal, Becoming a fullyfledged Page then onto a White knight. I couldn’t wait until i could finally become a Page. 3 more levels and i could go to Perion for my teachings. I was still daydreaming when i walked into the gate and got knocked out of my dreaming.

I heard some giggling from behind me and saw it was Mollie and her friends. I waved at them and they ran off. I grinned Hehe i thought Scared of waving back to me?. I opened the gate and ran off into the treeland of Ellinia, not knowing what was coming or going.

to Be Continued

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