Lvl another day By Nass
I’m gonna train, yes and no
I’m gonna gain some part of
I’m gonna keep this secret
I’m gonna close my program now
I guess, level another day
I guess, level another day
I guess, level another day
I guess, level another day
Yeah whooo lvl 18!
So happy, I’M GONNA FLY!
Nass has a head ache =(
So I’m gonna have to take this <<<S-WORD>>>> medicine.
My mom<-Who is a nurse was like “Too many hours on the games”
…….*Hides his DS*
I WANNA EQUIP MY “Stienger Bow”!!!!!
I had it since like lvl 11 <-Don’t ask.
That’s like it.
Oh yeah!
I got a question for those who made it this far.
Should I trade in Anne ,My Gamecube (Sliver one) for a Xbox? (my firend offered me)
*jumps off a cliff*
Keep the GameCube. Super Smash FTW!
I say Xbox is for more older teens
Gamecube sorta gets too kiddy soon
Sucks that you’re sick!
Feel better soon!
~LaZzz. . .