zomg so close!

Lvl another day By Nass

I’m gonna train, yes and no
I’m gonna gain some part of
I’m gonna keep this secret
I’m gonna close my program now

I guess, level another day
I guess, level another day
I guess, level another day
I guess, level another day

Yeah whooo lvl 18!

So happy, I’M GONNA FLY!

Nass has a head ache =(
So I’m gonna have to take this <<<S-WORD>>>> medicine.
My mom<-Who is a nurse was like “Too many hours on the games”


…….*Hides his DS*

I WANNA EQUIP MY “Stienger Bow”!!!!!
I had it since like lvl 11 <-Don’t ask.

That’s like it.

Oh yeah!

I got a question for those who made it this far.
Should I trade in Anne ,My Gamecube (Sliver one) for a Xbox? (my firend offered me)

*jumps off a cliff*


2 thoughts on “zomg so close!”

  1. I say Xbox is for more older teens
    Gamecube sorta gets too kiddy soon

    Sucks that you’re sick!
    Feel better soon!

    ~LaZzz. . .

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