Leveling amongst the Maple-seekers.

Being a lvl 46 sin is sometimes tough, there’s limited places I train decently at, & now with the new maple event, most of them are being bamboozled by a fleet of I/L mages or hermits x_x.
Sure, I would love to see a maple claw in my hands, but that’s not going to be likely anytime soon, atleast not until double drops start happening.
I’ve been wandering around Victoria Island, looking for decent places to train at, & after stopping at Golems, Copper drakes & yes, even those fire boars, I got a little bored.
What does one do when he’s bored on Vic island?
Head to Henesys hunting ground of course!
No, I’m not traveling there to show off, I’m helping little noobs with money/leveling problems, & just chatting, giving motivation to the little lvl 11 rogues I see.

Yes, sometimes, it’s good to be a high level, but NOT DURING THE MAPLE EVENT! -_-.