The Paths Part 3

As the two friends finish some pqs the next pq will be their last one until 2nd job.

Reks:Dang I cant wait to get to 2nd job..

Zero: I no what you mean ok lets find a party.

They have finished their last pq in 1st job now.

Reks: Hey Zero no matter if were higher lvl than eachother lets promise to still be friends.

Zero: I promise Reks.

The two friends now depart to go to their 1st job teachers.

Reks: Dances with Balrog Iim ready for my 2nd job test

Dances with Balrog: Ok take this letter and travel through the desert and you’ll will find a man give him this letter and it will be him to explain.

Reks: ok

Zero has met Athena she says the same things to zero exepct she says fields instead of desert.

2nd job trainers: Ok you go in kill monsters get 30 dark marbles from them and come to me ok.

Reks and Zero:ok

Reks finishes his quickly while Zero has yet to get 5 marbles after 10 minutes Reks decides to see if Zero done yet ,and he took a taxi to heneseys but he was not there so he went to Zero’s 2nd job trainer and ask if he finished.

2nd job trainer: No hes still in there

As Reks looks at Zero he finds him tired and exhausted then one monster came to him behind him and struck him down Reks quickly took Zero to the hospital

End of Part 3

One thought on “The Paths Part 3”

  1. They’re best friends but I sense a dark disturbance acting in the background that plans to destroy their friendship. . .


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