i want de icys!!~

Yes, that’s almost a quote of what happened about 2 days ago. So here we go:


It was my first day back to MS from FlyFF. I was in Henesys Hunting Ground 1, hunting and just being bored. I was talking to my cousin on the chat invitation. A low level theif came up to me.

Thief: Can I have icys?
Me:no sorry.
Theif: Plz just one.
Thief: Ill stop bothering you
Me:Want me to drop something?
Thief:Fine but you’ll keep it.

[Cloudx12 has dropped [] fame]

He then whispered to me.

Theif: Plz
Thief: jus one
Theif: Ill never bother u

This is where..I lose my temper. I had had enough..I cussed him out. I spammed his whispers, disabled mine. I called my cousin over to watch me. I even asked for his pass, id, etc. if he was gulliable enough to do this. Another person came in and said, “SCAM!!!!” I was messin around. I told him the story later so we were cool. By the way, he was a lvl 8 mage I think..

So well, here’s my expericence. excuse me for my bad grammer and spelling. Well he said sorry and I said sorry too. So it cme out even. Here’s an example of how MS is good and bad. This guy was a newb/noob.

I’m usually nice, it’s just the noobs..I was one too, true. well the day later I go mess around giving people who need things(ex. stiff feathers, ores) for free. So I guess i exploded. =/ sorry.

3 thoughts on “i want de icys!!~”

  1. Ok. 1 it is impossible for a thief to be level 8

    2 I still don’t get the point. A guy asking for Icys? Are you trying to say that he’s a newb? xD But you don’t seem like it.

  2. I thought I came up with that drop trick.
    Oh well, Its quite funny anyways, and obviously quite popular.
    And that noob wasnt being very noobish, just tell him what icies are worth, and you cant give him “just one”

  3. Darkwar4ever said: “Ok. 1 it is impossible for a thief to be level 8

    2 I still don’t get the point. A guy asking for Icys? Are you trying to say that he’s a newb? xD But you don’t seem like it.”

    No the lvl 8 was a mage who said, “SCAM!”

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