That’s right. After only writing 2 proper blogs, I left you all crying for my return. NOW IM BACK!!!
Alright- maybe I’m not that good, but hey- everyone deserves their 15 seconds of fame.
Anyway, everyone who’s wondered where did that guy who wrote that blog about Real Life vs. Maple(wow, that was a long time ago) go? Well, I’d love to say I went to Peru or something on holiday but I didn’t. I’m just lazy. Notice how I wrote 4 lines of words without telling you anything. That’s what I mean.
Anyway, if there’s a time to do something useful, its now. 2300 hours, in GMT+10. Hostilities clear, ready to launch a literal assault in the field of blogging. I really gotta lay off the spy movies.
Anyway, I know that starting every paragraph with the same word turns people off, but I think it looks good. Like poetry, just easier to understand.
Anyway, while I was being lazy, well- I did nothing. I DID do some things so pointless that doing nothing would be more productive though. Like this:
-Run into Kerning PQ and shout: “LVL 30 SIN LOOKING FOR PQ- THROW SNAIL SHELLS”
-Drop something in mid-air. Its funner than you think.
-Launch feeble attempts to write another blog. If you’ve seen the French try to win a war, you know what I mean.
-Ever tried using slash blast until you die? Me neither.
Anyway, maybe I should be writing something here. I got a lot to catch up on. Apparently something got deleted and it seems to be a mistake from some captain guy who did it deliberately but he should not be blamed for it because he’s having a tough time. Sounds like someone cheated on their wife.
Anyway, I might upload screens of what I’ve been doing for the past few days, but it won’t be today. I might do it tomorrow, but as they say, tomorrow never comes.
hello,mr anyway! *waves hands*
apparently i am very happy today for no reason
Your writing style makes me laugh, something sorely needed on this site right now.
It’s 2330 hours as I post this (well, almost.) You must live near where I do. >_>
I live in Sydney. Everywhere else is second-rate.
Yeah, Dezzles, he lives near you. xD
It’s 2133 over here.
And I think you can’t slash blast until you die. They’ll tell you you don’t have enough HP to use it. xD I was thinking about using bow booster (also takes up HP) until I die in town, but never really got down to trying. 😛
I tried with slash blast but I ran out of MP first.
*waves it at you*
Cultural capital. CULTURAL CAPITAL! We have. . .KRISPY KREMES! And. . .STARBUCKS!
Besides, Sydney was where half of ‘Muriel’s Wedding’ was set, and that movie, while being the most bogan of our time, was also horrific eye-r@pe simulation.
xDD Just kidding. But y’know, the Sydney-Melbourne rivalry ought to be played up at least a little.
*chants* fight fight fight!
@mrlumpy: PWNed by the system. xD I think that’s the point of it. You aren’t supposed to kill yourself using skills. >.>
Melbourne- I went their once, all I remember are some penguins and Crown hotel.
Now that’s REAL room service.
Krispy Kreme and Starbucks are in Sydney too.
Yeah, we have penguins. 😀
On the topic of killing yourself with HP-consuming moves – the best thing I did was commit suicide from the top of Ellinia, after reciting a speech that went something along the lines of, “My life sucks. My boyfriend got hit by a car, I have no eyelids and my fish committed suicide. SO GOODBYE WORLD” in the All chat. Then I jumped off, climbed back to the top, and did it once more. And died.
I died on 99% twice. A lesser man would have fainted
*wince* Ouch. Much ouch.
Fainted? Nawww. Run around screaming and causing mass destruction, more like. >D
Actually, my keyboard has never been the same after the incident.
Hurhur. I died in Maple Island, at South Perry town. I just kept jumping off that dude-with-the-dagger-quest’s platform. It took much skill, that one, because if you just jump right off the platform, the distance ain’t enough to hurt. They probably didn’t want noobies to die accidentally when they designed the map, but they didn’t reckon for a suicidal, insane noob. ^^ Took about twelve jumps before I could finally declare ‘GOODBYE, CRUEL WORLD!’ and finally get my Tombstone from Above.
And yikes about 99% death. I always pot excessively at 95% and above, just so I don’t die. 😛
This gives me an idea for a new GM event. SPEED DYING. Jump off ledges and die as fast as you can.
Reward: Your experience back. >.<
xD Nice. Both of you. Once I purposely ran into a vac hacker’s crowd, all the time yelling ‘SPAWN PL0X’, but that’s not much compared to the nutcase noob of safe Southperry.
Been reading too much Dominic Deegan. >_>
ARGH, I’d better sleep now . . . I have to awake tomorrow at 0615 and I haven’t had enough sleep all week.