PayByCash: Does it work?

Hm.. Hey all! Bonz here!! Well heres watsup:

I recently sent in my $30 through PayByCash to get me sum lovely NX!! And I mailed it Thursday and it is now Sunday… Haven’t gotten anything… Some of my friends say on maple that it will take like a week to get it… My friend that mailed it for me said that he handed it to the mailman himself and said that it was fine. So just a quick question… Yall think I’ll get it? I mean I know I’ll get it… I just want to know how long I will have to wait =p.. So anybody use PayByCash and know how much longer I will wait I think I might get it tomorrow my dad says that it will take up to like 3-4 business days.. and Sunday is not a business day..

Well pc guys!!


6 thoughts on “PayByCash: Does it work?”

  1. I didn’t even know you could pay by cash. Everything is virtual now, so you’re old-school.

  2. I live in Canada aswell and it took like 5 days to get the Nx cash

    But you should get it, unless that mailman 0_o

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