Hackers…. for the love of god shut up

I have noticed alot of hacker blogs everywhere in MMO Tales and Basil Market, and you know what, no one cares. You know why there are so many hackers? because people have no free time and create new programs to bypass the new GameGuard that just came out an hour ago, I saw hackers in Omega Sector one hour after came out, sad right? and Wizet can;t handle all these complaints because their are over ONE MILLION hackers each day that they get in, and alot of them fake, plus all the reports about harrassment and all the other crap, GameGaurd is easily bypasses because the losers that hack have no free time, and your boycotting the cash shop wont do any good because a)they will increase prise to make up b)they have all the other versions of ms to get money off of c)they could close they game if they werent pulling in enough dough. Wizet has three things to do every patch, Upgrade the hacking system, Bring in new worlds, and Fix bugs that have appeared because of previous patches, so either choose are three or one, and shut up, and true me, most people that play the game want all three

6 thoughts on “Hackers…. for the love of god shut up”

  1. Umm, there are like 15 other blogs like this. Please come up with a different topic kthx.

  2. according to mapleglobal.com

    MS has just over 1 million players. So in other words, you are implying that almost all of us hack.

  3. yea, gurujis rite, and another thing, don’t be stupid. if u were just to allow hackers to go free, watch tons of ppl start hacking, it takes the fun outta the game (no more challenege) so shut up and dont be a jerk to all those poor ppl who suffered from hackers

  4. We can tell Wizet gives a damn though, if they didn’t:

    A) Gameguard wouldn’t exist.
    B) The report function wouldn’t exist.
    C) The suspended users list would be a lot shorter.

  5. I’m not sure about Global, but SEA GMs regularly send up announcements about people being suspended or banned. In fact, they occur so frequently that I’ve kind of started to ignore those announcements altogether. There are a lot of hackers, but meh.,., at least they’re doing SOMETHING.

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