Racism on MS Broa

Ugh, no wonder everyone calls us racist in Broa.

I myself am not racist, but I’ve heard tons of claims that our server is pretty far up the ladder of “most racist MapleStory server”. I never really understood why. I’ve only seen a few acts of racism, but they were snuffed out immediately by users or, in some cases, GM bans.

But today, there was this one person – xCreamBandit – who was so racist that it got my blood boiling. My friend Nicole was with her friend Tofer. Tofer’s a guy, but he has a female character and gave her tanned skin, even though he himself is asian and has white skin. No problem with that.

But apparently, the color of one’s skin matters MUCH to xCreamBandit. He started KSing Tofer, and yelling obscene remarks about African Americans, using all manners of chatspeak and generally bastardizing the English language to demoralize the black race.

Nicole told me, and I called my buddy list and guild to come after him, which most of them did. I came as well, and this is what I saw:

Almost eight black skinned characters trying to kill Sakura cellions while xCreamBandit used savage blow ONLY on the ones being killed by dark skinned players, all the while yelling about how he hates black people.

This made me angry. So I whispered him. He is one of the most ignorant, childish, immature, idiotic players I’ve ever met.

This was our dialogue.

Me: Excuse me, Cream, but have you noticed that your actions are offending everyone here?
Him: idc
Me: Well, you should. Since when does the color of skin matter?
Him: -no response-
Me: No answer? Of course not. Because skin DOESN’T matter; furthermore, I think you’re just afraid that they are different than you, you think they’re ruining the country, blah blah blah. Racism is over, dude, get over yourself, cuz color only affects the eyes, nothing else.
Him: idc
Me: I don’t care that you don’t care. You’re reported by like 15 people for harassment. Have fun being banned.
“xCreamBandit has disabled whispers.”

So basically, he ran away from talking because he’s just a stupid jerk who’s wrong and knows it.

He eventually left, after I started KSing him back. There’s no better KSer than an Ice Lightning, I always say.

That was enough to ruin my day after being so happy I hit level 59. People like him make my adrenaline go haywire. I hope he gets hit by a blimp.


15 thoughts on “Racism on MS Broa”

  1. Ugh, probably some idiot 12 year old with no better excuse than race to be an ass.

    I haven’t actually seen racism in the game first hand, though, I guess that’s good. =/

  2. I hope he gets hit by a blimp too. Since when should skin matter? I thought humans were all SUPPOSED to be different. Anyway, racism, sexism, and all the things in that category, can be eaten by a Rubber Ducky, barfed out, and flushed down the toilet.

  3. Oooh Grimno if you play on Windia was it AdolfHitler?
    That is a real IGN just find him on Windia ^^
    (He gave me steelies)

  4. Welcome to MMOTales~!

    If I was in Windia, I would’ve helped you and gotten like 20 other people on his ass. =O

  5. I hate racism too -.- One dude in Scania came up to me and said “ASIANS DESERVE TO BE HUNG!” Then i was like ‘RACIST!” Then he MEGAPHONES “ASIANS DESERVE TO BE HUNG! REPORT WHITEHAMSTER FOR BEING ASIAN AND STUPID” O.0

  6. To snowhamster: That’s just, weird.

    Usually those kinds of people are the ones who have nothing to back up what they say, for example:

    Blog said: “Me: Excuse me, Cream, but have you noticed that your actions are offending everyone here?
    Him: idc
    Me: Well, you should. Since when does the color of skin matter?
    Him: -no response-“

    I also agree with Xwolf.

  7. Hm, never heard of Broa being the most racist server, but w/e. No one can really stop racism, only muffle it. People really don’t know how to think nowadays, and that’s why it’s become the “cool” thing to do. Talk about other races as if they are below their race. Songs influence it, news, books, etc. And look now, we’re so lazy now, that we can’t even go and do the quest for orbis scrolls, while sitting on our BUTTS and moving a couple of fingers! Seriously! I mean that’s just low. When we thought we hit rock bottom, we added one more failure and crashed us down another endless pitiful hole.

  8. Wow , Just wow. Definitely a very incompetent, idiotic, and immature little kid who has the nerves to speak of such things. Racism shouldn’t exist in our world. We were all born different – let it be the color of our eyes, skin, or nationality – but it shouldn’t make any difference whatsoever in our world. Everyone should be equal and nice to each other – not flaming each other with rude and obscene remarks.

    Creambandit needs a huge slap in the face and a new life if he intends to live life right. I would definitely come to Broa just to report him for harassment! Take that little bast*rd down!

  9. That’s justÂ…insane. I myself would never understand how their minds work, and I hope never to.

    ~Ice/Lit ftw ^^
    But too bad I’m in Bera T^T I’ll train my Broa noob though ;D

  10. Welcome to MMOtales!

    Yeah, irritants like these make my adrenaline go haywire too. It’s like you have no idea how to handle these people calmly without wishing that they’d just get impaled in the face with a sharp pointy stake or something.

    Something like that.

  11. Meh. The only racism from me is a couple of wise-ass remarks about the French being queer or something, but it’s all good. >.>

    As they say: “Stupeed Americans.”

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