homg level 65


But mine are interesting because I throw in stuff TOTALLY off-topic! I think!


I want my beloved “[h]” back. But I think it’s header now.

-hopes this works-

Okay, Pic 1. Look! It’s… my new look! I’ve already been told by like 14 people that I overloaded on the NX, but I know. I did that for a reason. If it’s a costume for Halloween, you’re ALLOWED to look bad and unkempt and whatnot. Going completely over-the-top is okay. D:

Oh, and, I aimed for all skeleton. That’s why Clyde isn’t in his trademark red bow. He wanted to have a REASON to chew on his clothes. >.>;

Oh, yeah. Uhm… my eyes are the same as they’ve been since I created Larky. Sooo yeah. The red, really soft-looking ones. Female 2 or 3. I can’t remember which.

Anyway. Pic 2. That’s not mine, it’s someone else’s. They copped my idea of going behind the tree to do crap. NOT THAT CRAP. But that’s like, the biggest downer of a mustache for an evil tree ever – because hearts SPURTING from your head is totally evil.

Okay… pic 3. I jumped into that little nook, right? And then Clyde was all alone, so I brought him up. and then I made him say something… and then it was like, bam, instant talking tree! So, you see a small excerpt from a conversation I had with one of the little people who got tricks, not treats, when they came to the PRENDERGAST MANNNNSIONNN!

Pic 4 – I doodled a skele-Clyde where the skull fell. Yeah, it’s different from the real thing. Almost like he put a REAL skeleton on. BWAHAHA! -bad drawing skills-

Oh yeah. I didn’t get a pic of this one, but, I was doing a bunch of quests, and one of them was old Tom giving me something to go give to Prendergast. This is a quest in a long line of quests. So I got angry and yelled, in smega, “THATS ENOUGH! I’M COMING FOR YOUR SOUL, PRENDERGAST!”

You should have seen the crap I got in whisper. >.>

-still doesn’t know if this works-

RCB! RedemptionCB! TheAssulter! He stalked me. D:

So now he’s on my BL, and when he logged on today, he was like –


And I was like “You’ve… BEEN READING MY STORIES?!?”


“… you think so? -tearsofjoy-“


RCB, your CAPS make my head hurt. D:

But you did make my day. :3!

I really hope this worrrrks~

Anywho, the leveling. I leveled in none other than the PRENDERGAST MANNNNSIONNN!. I remember when I first walked in… you know those Sophilia dolls with the heads lopped off? Yeah, two of em just so happened to stalk me down the hall. With me screaming in my bl, and I say this exactly as it was, “AAAAAGHBDLBDLJBAD THERES SOME MONSTER ZOMBIE FLOATING DOLL HEADS CHASING ME! DEAR LORD IM GONNA DIE!”
Pogo: Just kill them, Larky. Jesus. >.>;

Yeah, I then went to explore the rest of teh PRENDERGAST MANNNNSIONNN! to find that there were quests I didn’t want, ghosts that appeared in mirrors and tried to chop your head off, little boy ghosts that stalk couches and bookcases, and INDESTRUCTIBLE BOOKS!

I guess knowledge is power. Huh.

Overall, though, the “maze” of a house only took me about an hour to figure out, and then it was kind of disappointing. And I hate that gummy quest. HATE. >.>

However, I love the Nightmares (horseys of dewm!!). I love their moves, attack, look, sounds, and everything!

And I can not WAIT to get flung across the room by a loki box. Ooooh! -squees in excitement- But first… 6 more red gummies. -sigh-

CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT CHEAP WITCH IN KERNING, BTW? I got a pumpkin basket for this year, but it’s the 2006 version! Still! So now I’m giving away all my spare gummies and candies to people who either say trick or treat to me without provocation (which has happened 6 times now), or people who tell me I have a nice costume. Which was countless times. <3

Overall though, the PRENDERGAST MANNNNSIONNN! is okay exp, but not extremely entertaining. And the music could be better. No one wants to be excited the whole time by music. It’s like you CONSTANTLY have a psycho killer with a knife leeched on your back. Gets annoying. -turns up DCFC-

Well then. Until later.

Happy Mapling! -and be nice to kiddies who want candy, for Gods sakes!-

8 thoughts on “homg level 65”

  1. D: You never react like that when I tell you that I like your stories! D:

    I feel so hurt. . . ;-;

    And being snubbed by people-who-I-thought-were-friends-IRL doesn’t help much either -______-;; So I’m pretty pissed off right now.

  2. XDDDD

    You should get on MSN more, at. . . 5:30 PST! I usually get on a lot around then.

    But I need my sleep now, so goodnight! <33

  3. Woops, I accidentally copy-pasted some valuable information. @.@

    Nice outfit, and rofl at the tree thing. Reminds me of the Whispy Woods from Kirby.

  4. LOL.

    Y’know, I was playing around in the Cash Shop just the other day, and I was thinking the exact same thing about the going over-board with it. I mean, if you’re going to look gaudy, might as well do the whole mile right? XD

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